Status: Beginning

I Should've Known

I woke up alone in the dark with the telle blaring louder than I remembered turning it up. My body was sprawled so uncomfortably across the queen sized bed that I knew if I even tried to adjust myself I'd be introduced to serious cramping. My cousin had left hours ago for school, leaving me to ponder the night. I peered up at the ceiling with a smirk and clenched my teeth in pain from my migraine. What a fucking night it was.

I've never been the biggest fan of drugs, until recently I suppose. After my less than noble "straight edge girl" phase I replapsed so seriously that I almost ended up hospitalized. Black outs have become my norm and trips now are so uncontrollable for people who have the guts to join me in my adventures. I'd become pretty apathetic about it, actually. For example, last night I watched my cousin have two panic attack simultaneously and all I did was focus on the red bearded man I was happily hallucinating about. I had, at one point or another, started to call him by the name "Jack."

I'd only done mushrooms once before, resulting in a horrifying trip where I ended up barrel rolling out of the car I was driving, so naturally I figured I should give it another shot. Greatest idea I'd ever had. I breathed in heavily, somewhat relieved that my trip was over and that everything had calmed...somewhat. I still couldn't fucking think straight. I did what I always do as soon as I awake; reach for my phone. I sighed. Dead. My mind threatened to wander and my breathing escalated a bit. I hit the side of my head so hard that I swear my eyes rolled. I felt my body fight for sleep again.

"Fuck..." I trailed off as my eyelids dropped.