Sequel: Succubus



2 Years Later

I looked towards The Doctor as he removed the firearm from my side.

"If you die, a very important decision can not be made, and the world will fall."

Images of Icubus flashed into my made, back then, 20 years ago I had no idea what he was talking about, but now I knew.

"The Decision," I whispered.

"The what?" The Doctor asked, clearly confused.

"This is The Decision." I looked him straight in the eyes, and spoke an order, " Kiflet, Fraeger, take The Doctor to the cell."

The Doctor's expression morphed into one of shock as the officers grabbed him, and led him away.

"This is The Decision Doctor, if you stay, you will stop me, if you don't, we will win."

"You're out of your mind Kat! You can't do this!"

"And I was suppose to die 20 years ago," I replied, "By your hand."


"Icubus, saved me from you,"

A man stepped to my side, and stared straight at The Doctor.

"I created him for this very purpose."

"But you destroyed him!"

"Wrong Doctor, Katrina destroyed him. I created him to protect her from you, because I know in the past what you will do that will result in almost killing me."

My men took The Doctor away to the cell, out of my sight. I turned back to the table I was leaning over, staring at the plans in front of me. Everything was now falling into place.

As the rest of my men left with their orders, I turned to Incubus, this was going to be the last time I saw him, but it was worth it.

I'm alive, aren't I?

"You understand what you have to do?"

"Yes ma'am, every word."

"Do you remember everything, that I said is going to happen?"

"Yes, Commander."

"Alright, you best be off, the future depends on it."

Incubus turned, and walked out of the room, on his way to secure the future.

And I walked to the medic's office, as I had been feeling a little ill.

But nothing to worry about right?

Ask me again, in about 19 years.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.