A Very Merry Unbirthday

Singing Bushes And Furries? What A Morning.


The day was quiet, and relatively calm. Otherwise known as boring. With a boyfriend who was in the middle of tour, and friends who were busy, or now untrustworthy, Abi didn't know what she was going to do. My Chemical Romance had been on tour for over a year now, and she was extremely lonely. At least Lyn-Z, Alicia, Jamia, all of the boys' significant others, got to see their husbands/fiancées/boyfriends on TV, be assured that they were okay. Did she get to see Brian? No!

She was simply worried today though, as she hadn't heard from him in almost a month. Who called her to let her know they were town? Bob. It's not that she doesn't love Bob, who doesn't love Bob, but he is not Brian. She ended up crying over the phone to him, which made her feel really stupid. Bob was really sweet about it though, and simply comforted her.

A knock at the door made her jump. It was 7:30, who was coming over? She glanced out the window, and saw nothing, but noticed the bush by the door was lopsided. Someone knocked lightly again. Abi walked over and opened it, to be greeted by a site that made her die laughing.
There was a large, black van with tinted windows in front of the house. An extremely familiar man was standing in front of her, grinning maniacally. Mikey stood in a suit, large sunglasses on.

"Song-a-Gram for a Miss Abi?" He asked, holding back laughs.

He ran back to the bus, and ripped open the door, climbing in the passenger side. She could see Frank at the driver's seat, and Bob with drumsticks began drumming on the window, while Ray pulled a guitar from behind him and started playing. Abi saw a large dog come out from behind a tree, a dog that looked really familiar. A voice from inside the bushes made her jump and look down.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey." Abi laughed harder, at this. Gerard was crouched in her bush, singing You Are My Sunshine. She looked back up at the dog and saw it was dancing, a weird ballet sort of dance, in the middle of her yard.

"You never know, dear, just how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

She assumed it was Brian in the costume, and knew it was as he continued 'dancing'. He twirled and leaped, and did the Monkey. She continued laughing as this went on, tears building up in her eyes.

"The other night, dear, while I was sleeping, I dreamt I held you in my arms. But when I awoke dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and cried."

Brian continued dancing in his mascot costume, and Abi's neighbors came outside. He ran around, in a strange Furry kind of serenade. Everyone stared like they were all crazy, not that she blamed them.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… You make me happy, when skies are grey." Gerard started climbing out of the bush, and I noticed from the corner of my eye the van rev, and Ray move.

"You never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away!" Gerard stopped singing, and the music stopped as well. I looked up to see Brian taking off the mask. Gerard suddenly made a run for it.

"Gun it, Frank!" He screamed, leaping in the van. The door slid shut behind him, and Frank pulled off, at a very fast speed, squealing the tires.

I laughed again, wiping the tears. Brian set the mask on the porch next to me, and opened his arms in a hug. I flew into his arms and kissed him gently, holding him close. We didn't say a word, just smiled and walked in the house. He set the mask down on my couch on the way to my bedroom, we walked in and I unzipped his costume, and stepped out of my sweatpants, and ripped off my shirt. His clothes were in a pile on the floor too, and he picked me up gently and set me back on the bed. I smiled softly, and he started kissing me gently.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed me one last time before beginning his thrusting. I moaned loudly, clutching the sheets, and he mumbled my name every couple of thrusts. We came at the same time, moaning each others names. We kissed for a few moments, before I grabbed the comforter off the floor, and snuggled into his side.
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