A Very Merry Unbirthday

Too Bad You're Already A Striaght-A Student


“Alright, so everyone should be prepared for the live model next week, yes?” The man spoke, loudly, confidently to about a hundred kids. They all murmured in agreement, packing up their things.
“Good.” The teacher nodded, turning around and writing something down.
A girl in the middle if the class stood, piling everything into her messanger bag. A single piece if paper and a pen where on her desk; the paper had doodles and carefully scrawled words all over it. She shoved today’s notes carefully into the notebook, Stephanie was always careful to write down everything Mr. Way said. Everything. She supposed that was why she got such good grades. Mr. Way would always write a little note next to her scores, and give a small smirk when he handed it back. She realized that he smirked the first time that she opened the quiz and noticed he had underlined every single quote; the ones he had said anyway. Stephanie blushed at the memory, she felt like a stalker.
She picked up the notebook, holding it to her chest. Stephanie stared at the steps as she made her way down them, trying to memorize the key tips that Mr. Way had said.
“Oh!” She gasped out, inhaling sharply. Her notebook clattered to the floor, papers flying, and the body she had slammed into quickly swooped down and caught them before they soaked up the spilled coffee.
“I’m sorry, Stephanie.” The man crouched down said, and Stephanie’s heart stalled.
“No, Mr. Way, it’s really my fault. I should’ve been looking where I was going… Thank you.” She replied, taking her notebook, and shoving her papers in it.
“No wonder you do s o well on my tests. You even write down my pointless stories that hardly relate to whatever lesson I was rambling out.” Mr. Way mumbled, glancing over today’s notes. She blushed slightly, giggling. Mr. Way glanced up, startled, as if he forgot she was there, and chuckled as well.
“Would you mind stepping into my office for a moment?” He asked, handing her the last paper. Stephanie nodded and followed him, shoving her things into her bag once again.
“Please, sit.” Stephanie noticed that she was standing numbly in the middle of the office, glancing at the walls. She sat in a high-backed chair and glanced around again.
The walls were neatly cluttered with paintings, sketches, and a few pictures. The ones that caught her eyes was a collage just to the left of his desk the snapshots included; one of Mr. Way in his cap and gown in what she assumed was high school, standing with a boy in glasses, a blonde woman, a man, and an older woman. He was chubby, but as the pictures went on he got progressively skinnier. They were all with the same people; one at Christmas, a family portrait, College Graduation, when he was little, and one of what she assumed was his brother in his cap and gown for High School.
“That’s my parents, my Grandma, and my brother, Mikey.” Mr. Way’s voice broke her from her staring at the pictures, and she turned back to him.
His jacket was over the chair behind him, and he was loosening his tie. Stephanie held back a shiver, and crossed her legs. He was smiling fondly at the pictures, then sat down, folding his hands together, and staring at her with a thoughtful look.
“I don’t know how to ask this, so I’m going to ask it the only way I can think of; directly,” He almost sounded nervous, and stared at her for a reaction, leaning forward. Stephanie didn’t know how to react, so she sat silently. “Would you model for me?”
Stephanie blinked twice, and he leaned back into his chair, ringing his hands.
“I just haven’t done any model drawing in a while, and I don’t want to be rusty. I mean, if you’d be uncomfortable, we would stop, right away. Maybe I shou-“
“Huh? No, I mean, yes, yeah I’ll do it, it’s no problem.” Stephanie grinned, and he visibly relaxed.
“Okay, great. Can you come to my apartment at about 6? It may take a while.” He licked his lips, and Stephanie fought back that chill again.
Stephanie arrived at the apartment at about 5:45, walking through the lobby and getting in the elevator. She found his apartment quickly, and knocked on the door. Mr. Way answered pajama pants and a black t-shirt, smiling and ushering her inside.
“Uhm, I thought that having you lie in the classic position would be best, so that you’re feet and hands wouldn’t fall asleep. We can take breaks every time I get a main section done, and you can move.” Mr. Way had a slightly far-off look in his eyes, and that chill came back as he spoke.
“Where should I but my clothes?” Stephanie asked, glancing nonchalantly at him.
Mr. Way blushed faintly, and pointed to a chair, sitting down and adjusting his easel. Stephanie stripped quickly, stepping out of her underwear, and lying on the couch, adjusting until she felt comfortable. She ended up lying against the side, one arm up, the other draped over her stomach, legs crossed and turned toward Mr. Way, staring straight ahead, giving him a profile shot.
About an hour later, Mr. Way gave a light cough and stood. Stephanie stretched out and groaned, before lying back down.
A week or so passed, and everything seemed completely normal, that is until, Mr. Way invited Stephanie to his class, on a day he didn’t have any classes. She stepped into the office unknowing of what was going to happen. As soon as the door clicked shut behind her, she was yanked into someone’s arms, and kissed. Her eyes were open in surprise, then she relaxed into Mr. Way’s body. She had wanted to kiss him for a very long time, and had the feeling he had since she’d been lying naked on his couch, giving his TV sexy eyes. His hands went quickly into her sweatshirt, pulling it over her head, and she quickly unbuttoned his jeans. He pulled away and searched the room frantically, groaning. Stephanie smirked quickly, and pulled him over to his desk. He grinned widely, climbing on top of her. He wasted no time in thrusting softly into her, before quickly picking up the pace.
“Ohmygod, Mr. Way.” Stephanie gasped out in a moan, things tumbling off the side of the desk. He came soon, her orgasm just finishing up.
They quickly slid off the desk, fearing that it’d break, and she sat on his lap, as he leaned against the side of a filing cabinet. They kissed lightly, his arms around her shoulders. Stephanie assessed the damage as her shaking began to cease. Pens were everywhere, several stacks of paper where knocked over, and the large blotter on his desk was soaked in sweat and body fluid.
“And I thought my bed squeaked…” Mr. Way mumbled, nudging a leg of the desk with his foot.
♠ ♠ ♠
I played this song writing this, lmao.