A Very Merry Unbirthday

Three Big Feet, If You Catch My Drift.


They had just finished the last song, and began walking off stage. He made a beeline for me, and I grinned. He was all sweaty, grinning widely, but it was the devilish wink he sent me that let me know something was up. Ray was always happy after shows, which of course made me happy.

We'd been dating for a two years, just beginning to get really steady. I had known him for a while before that as well, but I had never seen the look he had in his eyes before. Ray liked to take things slow, make sure everything was right, which was fine with me. I appreciated how caring and immaculate he was, the man with the plan.

He was like a kitten… with a lot of hair, on both his heads. And big hands. And big feet. Three big feet, if you catch my drift. He always took it slow, making sure I was okay, I was pleased, I always got mine before he got his; the ultimate lover.

I must honestly say that I did indeed love him. He was probably the first man I had ever loved. The first time we said it was very memorable. I say we, because we both blurted it out at the exact same time. It was very embarrassing, and awkward. But, slightly romantic.

I had still been wondering what Ray was up to, when he had disappeared. I saw all the other guys walk away, but had stopped Mikey.

"Where's Ray?" I asked quietly.

"He said something about going to the bathroom. He told me to tell you to wait for him, so that he could walk you to the hotel. You know how to get there right?" Mikey replied. I nodded. He smiled and kissed my cheek before walking off.

I sat for about twenty minutes, before hearing footsteps. Then, the lights went out. It was very dark, and the footsteps were gone. I had pulled my knees to my chest, putting my head on them. I sat as still as possible, holding my breath. The room was silent, and I had strained my ears to listen.

I heard a soft padding, like dog. As I listened harder, and they got closer, I had realized that they were socked footsteps. When I noticed this my breathing became shallow although I was sure I knew what was going on. Either I had been placed in a cheap sci-fi episode of Scare Tactics, or my then-boyfriend was feeling very mischievous.

The footsteps stopped, and I pushed my back against an amp as forcefully as possible. My eyes strained to see a sign of anything, anything at all. But, there was nothing. Although I had thought I had been sure of what was going on, what if something bad had happened, what if Ray had fallen, or left or something. I stretched my feet out slowly, pushing them on the ground, and pulling myself slowly and silently along the ground.

"Ray?" I called softly, squinting.

"Yes." A voice answered huffily in my ear. My shaking ceased, then increased again as slightly calloused fingertips grazed my collarbone.

I leaned my head back on his shoulder, and began to slowly roll me onto my back. My shirt had been immediately ripped off, and my pants were slid roughly off. I could feel his presence hovering over me, and my breathing hitched as his hand replaced on my collarbone. He traced a few times, before sliding my bra strap down to get to more skin. His fingers danced lightly on them, just like they do before he plays guitar. His hand ran underneath my bra, to the front hook. He flicked his hand, causing it snap open and apart, revealing the flesh, and causing the cold to make me shudder. He ran his hands up and down my body several times, placing on the crotch of panties and pushing in roughly, causing me to gasp as the other ran circles on my breast.

Then, they were gone. I laid panting, and listening in the darkness as he ripped his shirt off with one hand, the other loudly fumbling with his belt buckle. I heard a whoosh, then the clash of his belt landing by my head as it was forcibly ripped from the loops. His pants were shed, and he was hovering over me again. He had apparently slid his boxers off as well, because he was soon pressing against my enterence. I bucked my hips slightly, and felt him gasp.

He growled slightly, before grabbing both my hips, and slowly pressing his smooth tip against me. I gasped out loudly, and he continued to press the rest of the way in. However, as soon as he did, he was back to the Ray I had known and loved. The hand that wasn't supporting him was stroking my hair, and he was cooing at me, as he thrusted. He stopped talking soon though, and I nodded. He jabbed forcefully inside me, directly onto my soft spot. I cried out, writhing on the floor beneath him. He continued hitting it head on until I climaxed. I reached my arms up, and around his neck. A few moments later he exploded. He laid gently on top of me, until he heard my breathing calm, and become regular. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, holding me close to him for a moment, kissing my head.

We began pulling on articles of clothing, and stumbled to the back door through the darkness. We began the five minute walk, which took about fifteen because we were tired and I sore, to the hotel. I had never loved anyone more than I had loved him then.
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So, I tried a bit of a memoir style with this one, don't know why… Anyway, for you Lisa milady. Hope you enjoyed. So sorry about the delay. Requests please.