A Very Merry Unbirthday

Kinky Bastards.


I stood on the beach, it was so peaceful here, so serene. The sun had long been set, and the waves gently brushed against my toes. The birds slept, along with many inhabitants of L.A. I was still awake.
My stupid neighbor and his stupid band, with their stupid 'sound-proof' walls. I had told the aforementioned moron that his walls were not the promised 'sound-proof' and that he'd better fix it or stop playing there after midnight. But, no, he's the shit. Therefore, he can do what he likes.
Today, I'd gotten fed up with it. Slamming my door loudly, I made a 180 and marched over to his door, banging on it fiercely, and then walking away. By the time his arrogant head was out the door, I was already in the elevator. The doors were half-shut, and all visible was my pissed off expression, and my middle finger in the air. The doors slid shut, and I stormed my way to the beach. To calm down.
I nearly groaned aloud when I heard soft footsteps falling down the hill. It was either a manic or a drunk. When I heard that the steps weren't stumbling, I cursed my luck. Maniac it was.

"Uh… hello? Am, I erm, bothering you?" I looked over at the soft voice, and was surprised by what I saw. I was pretty such he was in Pete's band. What surprised me most, other than the fact that he was actually cute and friends with Pete, was that he came to see me.

"Not yet." I replied shortly, looking at him questioningly. He blushed slightly, and then glanced over slightly.

"Uh, I was sent out by Pete to apolog-" With my doubtful look and raised eyebrows he stopped.
"Right. I wanted to apologize to you. For disturbing you and stuff… I'm sorry."

I could tell by the soft look in his eyes, covered by glasses that helped with his chic-dork look. I smiled at him nicely, and he smiled back. I sat on the sand and patted the spot next to me.

"Talk to me." I demanded giggling. He chuckled and sat down as well.

"My name's Andy Hurley, I'm a drummer." He started, looking at me to continue.

"Ray Formoso. Nice to meet you." I replied.

We sat and talked, until crickets chirped, and finally I sighed, looking up at the still starry sky. It was probably 4 am by now, and I was wondering what Pete and the others were thinking.

"They're probably sleeping; I'm most likely long forgotten." Andy said, when I voiced this. I smiled.

"Who could forget you?" I replied quietly. Andy took my hand, and my attention.

"Ray, I know it's soon, and we've only known each other for like six hours, but be my girlfriend?" He asked, studying my face. I couldn't help but make a quick pro-con list in my head. I sighed, his cons almost outweighed his pros.

"Will I have to like Pete?" I groaned. He laughed, and rolled his eyes, taking my face in his hands. I smiled and kissed him gently, the kiss becoming hotter and rougher with each passing second.

The sound of the waves crashing into our toes couldn't even calm me now, as my shirt was peeled off, and his shorts were unbuttoned and unzipped shakily. Sand flew up slightly, as I flopped back onto it, my hand tangled in his long hair, the other squeezing his shoulder. His hand slipped under my bra, then ran along to the back, unhooking it. As he took it off, I gasped at the lack of contact, then decided to get him back. I pulled my mouth from his, and reached down to his boxers, sliding them off.
He glanced into my eyes once, then slowly submerged himself inside of me. He pulled out slowly, then thrust again, to the hilt. The pattern continued, my moans and his pants joining the seascape sounds. My back arched into the rough sand, and I could tell his hands, supporting his weight, were raw against the ground. My orgasm came, then passed, then came again, before he pulled out, and released all over the ground. We grinned, lazy and content, at each other, then slipped into our underwear and pants. He cuddled up to me, sand covered from sweat, and we both dozed off.

"Get up kids, come on. Wake up." My eyes fluttered open at the deep voice. I blushed, squeaked, and pressed my eyes back together firmly.

"Andy!" I squealed.

"Officer." He said, sitting up and clearing his throat.

"Now, I should probably arrest you kids for public indecency." The policeman said, glancing at the dark sand, and large semen spot, then at our tussled and half-naked forms.
"But, I'll let you go with a warning, if you go home now." He finished.

I nodded and stood quickly, my face warm. Andy just chuckled, pulling himself up. He bid the officer good day, then his eyes caught mine, and twinkled. we were halfway up the sand dune leading to my apartment, and he turned again.

"Officer? Uh, how much did those handcuffs cost, and where can we get a pair?" Andy asked, smirking.
♠ ♠ ♠
.... Yeah, this ones kinda cliche, I'm sorry.

XD But who doesn't love beach scenes and getting caught?

Again, sorry for the delay.

But, now I need more requests.
