A Very Merry Unbirthday

Stockholm SYNdrome


Sin, Sinister, Gates, Sinister gates. The words floated about her in hallways, in the mall, in bars. What did it mean? What were the sinister gates? Were the words supposed to have some kind of a meaning to her? Who cares about a sinister looking gate, anyway?

"You should have seen Synyster Gates, man. He was the shit last night." Juliet whirled around at the voice, trying to find the source. She failed, and contemplated the sentences over in her head.

Sinister Gates was a name? Well, that's pretty fucking stupid. Who the hell would name their son Sinister? Was it a nickname? Yes, Sinister would make sense of a nickname. But… who was he? She knew that he frequented around Medusa's Manor Bar, but she wasn't about to drag her ass down there to ask blindly for a Sinister Gates, what if he was a drug dealer? She'd feel embarrassed then. There were so many possibilities of who or what this Sinister Gates person was. Well, a little research couldn't hurt.

That night, Juliet sat on her bed with a stack of all her past yearbooks. She skipped ahead through each grade, looking for anyone with the last name Gates. There were a few in a couple books, mainly the same girl in a different grade. But, the boy on the street specifically said 'he'. Juliet groaned and flopped back on her bed. All she knew was that he was a he, went to Medusa's, and apparently knew everyone. But her. She didn't even care about him necessarily, but it was horrible not knowing. She also felt stupid, like she was left out of an inside joke at a sleepover. She rolled over on her side, and fell asleep, deep in thought and possible explanations.

Juliet woke a few hours later. It was barely dark, and her clock read 7:45. Juliet sat up and rubbed her eyes. She glanced over at her closet, then shook her head. Soon, however, her gaze was back on the closet and she sighed and stood slowly. She pulled a shirt from her closet, and pulled it on. Reapplying her makeup and sliding on heels. She stood in front of her mirror sighing slightly. 'You can do this.' she thought, then took a deep breath and went to get her keys.

Medusa's Manor was a small bar that had a large dance floor, and a stage. It was dark, smelled of smoke, booze, and sweat. Typical. The place was pretty popular, but wasn't usually too crowded, only on concert nights. Juliet walked in and glanced around. She got to the bar late, and quiet a few people were leaving since, apparently, the band was over. She was pretty sure that she heard someone say Sinister Gates, so that made her excited. Once she was inside, she went and sat down on a stool at the bar, ordering a drink, and glancing around. A group of guys seemed to be pretty popular. Must be the band.

"Are you alone?" The voice made her jump, and she attempted to remain calm. "'Cause you know that it's dangerous right. What's your name?"

"Why is it dangerous? Because of guys like you?" Juliet answered back sarcastically.

"Actually, guys like me are exactly the reason. I'm Brain. Or, Synyster, as I'm more widely known." He chuckled and flashed her an amazing smile. She blinked a few times. This was Sinister Gates. Right next to her, delivering pick-up lines.

"Even if you are the infamous Sinister Gates, do you really think that cheesy lines are going to work on me?" She asked, and he smirked.

"I hoped they wouldn't. You really don't know who I am though, do you?" He smirked more, and Juliet shook her head honestly.

"Should I?" She replied, raising her eyebrows. "You don't look like much to me."

He laughed at this, and she grinned too. He took off the hat that was on his head, and placed it on hers. She waited apprehensively, and he grinned.

"I'm with the band." He replied, glancing at the group. She grinned to herself, she was right.

"Woah and I thought groupies died out in the 90s." He looked surprised for a moment, then laughed.

"Feisty. I'll see you around right?" He asked, eyeing her slightly. She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Lemme rephrase. I'll be seeing you." He ran his fingers along her collarbone, and kissed her quickly, before sauntering off.

"Hey, what about your hat?" She called. He waved a hand in her direction.

"Keep it." He replied. She shrugged, and adjusted it on her head. It was a sweet fedora. Juliet ditched the bar soon after he left. It wasn't until she was in her car that the events really hit her. Not only did she find Sinister Gates, well he found her, he wants her, and he gave her his hat. And apparently, is gonna find her again. How, who knows.

Thank god today was Friday. Her head was still scrambled, she was tired, and honestly reeked. She scrambled for a shower, and hurriedly put on make up and clothes, before running out to her car. She walked through the halls, and noticed people looking at her, obviously talking about her.

"What?!" Juliet finally snapped at the Pothead behind her in Lit.

"Syn." He replied, staring at her.

"Excuse me?" She replied, making a face.

"Gates!" He replied. She simply stared, wondering what this prick had been telling people. "He talked to you. You have one of his fedoras!"

"Don't get so worked up. So?" She replied. The boy shook his head with wide eyes, muttering something.

She walked from the building an hour later, carrying her purse, and a silver car pulled up in front of her. The windows were tinted, and she squinted to see inside. The door suddenly opened, and she was yanked in.

"The fuck!" She screamed, grasping the dashboard as the car sped away. She turned to see who was driving.

"Hey there babe."

"Slow down!" Juliet replied, eyes wide.

"So, Juliet huh? That's a pretty name." She just stared at him.

"Uh, where are we going?" She demanded.

"My house." He replied, making a sharp turn.

"What if I don't wanna go there?" She said, scrambling for the seatbelt.

"Well, I was thinking you might say that, which is why I just kidnapped you." Juliet sputtered in her seat, turning to stare at him. His face was deadly calm, and he slammed into another turn. She flew into the side of the door.

"You kidnapped me?" She repeated slowly.

"I suppose…" He said, touching a button on the radio.

"To what, rape me?" She screeched.

"You can't rape the willing." He smirked and glanced her direction. She narrowed her eyes.

"You can try." Juliet mumbled. He laughed out loud and pulled into a driveway. She sat for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Her door opened, and Synyster crouched down beside the car.

"So… want some coffee?" He smirked, reaching forward and grabbing her hand.
He pulled her out of the car, and into a kiss. Juliet was stunned. Not that he was kissing her, but that she wanted him to kiss, was kissing back, and enjoyed it. They broke apart, and went into the house.
He led her to his bedroom. It was large, with a huge bed that had black comforter. She grinned over at him, and they resumed their hardcore make out session. He laid her down on the bed, straddling her, and began kissing her again. He slid his hands up her shirt, clutching her sides, and she reached down to undo his pants. Within a matter of minutes they were both naked. He was kissing her earlobe, lightly biting and licking, and Juliet was clawing his back.

"Wa-wait." He threw himself halfway off the bed, dangling down and looking under it.

Juliet sat up and laughed, running her hands up his legs and onto his butt, then up to his very lower back, then down again. He shoved stuff around urgently, then popped up with a condom. He smiled at her, before tossing it at her. She opened the packaging with her nails, and slid it over his member. He yanked the blanket over them, laying on top of her.

"Ready?" She nodded, and he wasted no time thrusting slowly into her.

She gave a small sigh of content, the gasped aloud as he started slamming ferociously. She threw her arms around his neck, holding tight and crying out his name breathily in his ear. He sloppily laid kisses on her shoulder, never once slowly down. She came soon, and he followed after her, pulling out and collapsing on top of her. She laughed softly as he panted on her chest, wrapping his strong arms around her. She raised a still shaking hand and placed in his sweaty hair, running fingers through it.

"Brian, we have a little problem, and I need your advice." Juliet said. Syn glanced up, trying to look concerned through his sleepiness.

"Yes?" He mumbled.

"I think I have Stockholm Syndrome."
♠ ♠ ♠
OKay people, here's the sitch.

My computer is kinda broken and I've been in a serious fluke, which is why I haven't posted. I just cut off all ties with my father however, so everything is fixed and the other two oneshots will be posted really soon.

Send me requests.