A Sudden Change In the Weather

Pain in Many Forms

I tiptoed down the hall as quietly as possible. It was almost three in the morning and I was trying to sneak away from Alex. Alex and I had spent the whole night together and it was fun until he said it. He said those three words; I love you. I guess it doesn’t seem that bad, maybe even good. I should have been ecstatic. Except, the problem was, when Alex spoke, ‘I love you,’ it was directed towards another woman on the phone.
Alex, I know, didn’t mean to hurt me but he did. I was heartbroken. Of course he didn’t know that I loved him and he probably didn’t even know that I liked him. He was my best friend. Very cliché, I know, but it was true. I fell madly in love with my best friend.
I sighed shaking my head continuing to tiptoe down the hall past the large kitchen. I felt like a spy; sneaking around a dark house in the middle of the night. Too bad I wasn’t on a spy mission though, I was just here because Alex was really sick last night and he needed someone to take care of him. Although, I ceased to understand why his girlfriend, Macy, wasn’t here taking care of him.
He had called me at nine-thirty last night moaning, ‘help’ in a croaky voice. I came right away, letting myself in to see him puking his guts out in the toilet bowl. I really felt bad leaving him like this. He was probably still sick and I was just departing him all alone. He put me through so much pain nonetheless and I couldn’t stand it anymore!
I quickened my pace trying to convince myself not to turn around and go back to sleep. I suddenly tripped and let out a loud yelp as my body fell forward into the darkness. I felt my whole body slam into the cold, hard, wood floor. The air seemed to evaporate from my lungs and my heart was racing. I fought to regain my breath and stand but I couldn’t move due to the major shock still coursing through me.
“Marisa?” I heard Alex’s voice call out but I couldn’t bring myself to respond. “Marisa? Where are you? Are you okay?” Alex’s voice came again this time filled with anxiety. “Marisa! Damn it! Answer me!” He yelled out now stumbling across the floor and flipping on the light switch.
“Don’t curse Alex! I’m alright!” I groaned still lying face down on the floor.
“Why in the world are you on the floor?” he asked now crouching down to my level.
“I tripped.”
“Why are you even awake at this unholy hour?” He ran a hand through his amazing hair.
“Uh…” I searched my mind for a god excuse but I couldn’t find one. “I… I wanted to get an early start on the day?” I said not believing myself. I turned my head to look at him.
“Sure you did.” His sarcasm made me laugh. “Were you running away? Am I really that bad?”
“Yes.” I smiled up at him.
“Oh shut up and get off my clean floors. If you got blood anywhere I’m kicking you out!” Alex scolded playfully.
“Be quiet!” I laughed sitting up.
“You scared me half to death with that loud bang of yours. I was dreaming about Macy and then boom!”
“That’s great. I’m going to bed.” I mumbled standing up. The mention of Macy crushed me. Why did he love her, why couldn’t he love me?
“Risa?” Alex said behind me. He’d given me that nickname back in the eighth grade.
“Lex?” I sighed but kept plodding slowly down the long hallway.
“Goodnight.” I heard him speak from a distance. It felt as if he was fading away. I walked into the spare bedroom across from Alex’s room and lay down on the bed, letting my dream take me away.
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Sorry if this is a little rough, it is my first chapter after all
-Nicole :)