A Sudden Change In the Weather

An Adventure In the Making

I woke up with a tear stained face and to the smell of eggs and bacon. I sat up, tired, and then fell back down onto my pillow. I had work today. I also had to go to the store. I sighed, sat up again, and fixed my hair into a tight ponytail. I climbed out of bed and walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning sleepy head!” Alex spoke cheerfully, his back turned to me. The muscles rippled underneath his white t-shirt every time he moved and I had to fight all my emotions just to look away.
“Morning,” I said sullenly. ‘Another morning I have to pretend I don’t love you,’ I thought to myself.
“Do you like eggs?” Alex asked.
“Do you really have to ask?” I laughed.
“Oh right. You do. Only scrambled though,” Alex looked over his shoulder and smiled at me. I sat on a stool near the island. Alex was wealthy. He had become a book editor and he made a lot.
“What time is it? I have to work today.” I asked dreading another day sitting in that boring cubicle writing and editing news articles.
“Twelve o’ three.” Alex laughed leaving the stove and taking two red plates from a cabinet.
“What?! Oh shi… crap!” I yelled jumping and running down the hall.
“Hey, Risa?” Alex shouted from the kitchen.
“What?” I shouted back searching for my clothes that I’d packed the day before.
“I called in for you. I said you were sick.” I could hear the smile in Alex’s voice.
“You did?” I yelled.
“Yes, now come eat. I have a big day planned!” Alex smiled as I walked back into the kitchen.
We sat in silence eating for a bit. I was trying to figure out how I could get out of spending a whole day with Alex. I desperately wanted to be with him but I couldn’t when he loved another girl. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them so I was trying to avoid them. The only reason I came last night was because Alex needed me. “Wait, aren’t you sick!” I said suddenly.
“Nope, I said I was so I could get you over here! I knew you wouldn’t just come over. You always have excuses and I felt it was necessary that we spent some time together.” He shrugged.
“Oh.” I whispered. He wanted to spend time with me… alone. I felt myself blush for no apparent reason. I needed to get out of today. It hurt my heart to see him and know that I could never be with him. That I could look at him but I couldn’t touch him and hold him. Even sitting here eating with him was difficult because all I wanted was for him to wrap his strong arms around me tight and whisper sweet sayings into my ear. But I guess only things that good happen in romance novels.
“What are you thinking?” Alex broke the silence.
“You’ve got to be thinking something!”
“Nope, nothing at all.”
“But you had your thinking face on. I know you and I know you’re thinking something, so just tell me.”
“It was nothing.” I faked a smile and stood carrying my dirty plate to the sink to clean it off. Alex came behind me, so close that I almost stopped breathing. He reached over and turned on the sink and the scent of his cologne tickled my nose. I jumped out of his way. I was so afraid I’d get caught up in him all over again and embarrass myself.
I regained my composure quickly. “Go get dressed. I’ll do the dishes. We’re going out.” Alex said but I was already half was out the door before he finished his sentence. I shut the door and locked it. I leaned against the door listening to him wash the dishes.
I had to come up with an excuse to get out of this outing. There was no way I could go all day with him without dying of pain and desire. “And Risa,” Alex called, “Don’t try to get out of this. No excuse will save you from a day with your best friend.” I winced; he knew me so well. I moved away from the door and got dressed quickly. I wore a pink tank tip with a white cardigan and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with black flats. I walked into the bathroom and applied mascara, foundation, and lip gloss. Finally I let down my long dark hair and brushed through it slowly. “Are you read yet?” Alex knocked on the door. I jumped at the sudden sound and finished brushing my hair.
“Yeah.” I shrugged opening the door. In movies a girl would walk out of the bathroom in a pretty dress with gorgeous hair and well done make up and a dazzling guy would pop out of nowhere, bow down and kiss her hand. He’d tell her she looked amazing and she’d giggle like a school girl. But this wasn’t a movie. Alex sighed and turned away from me leading me out of the bedroom mumbling something like, girls take too long.
As we stepped out of the huge house, Alex twirled the key ring around making an annoying clinking sound. “Where are we going?” I asked.
“Somewhere. Here put this on.” Alex responded handing me an eye mask. I slipped it over my eyes and the world instantly went black. “And put these in your ears.” He handed me two squishy things.
“What? Why?” I asked uncovering my eyes.
“You can’t see or hear where we’re going. It will ruin the surprise!” He said pushing the mask back over my eyes.
“Ugh. Fine. As long as you promise you aren’t planning to murder me in some forest or sell me to some pimp.” I laughed.
“Nope, just making your wildest dream come true! Just let me okay?” Alex’s voice came from somewhere in front of me. The only reason I was agreeing to this was because with ear plugs and an eye mask I didn’t have to hear Alex’s rough yet gentle voice or see his bright beautiful smile. Without being able to see or hear him it would be ten times more bearable to be around him.
“Okay, I’m putting the ear plugs in now so don’t talk to me.” I said shoving the mushy substance into my ears. Butterflies filled my stomach and anticipation rose in my throat. I felt Alex’s hand take my own. My heart raced and my face flushed. He must have noticed because he squeezed my hand lightly. He was pulling me forward and I walked with him cautious of running into something.
He stopped moving and I did too. I struggled to hear through the plugs but I couldn’t. A few minutes passed before I was lifted off my feel and being set down in some sort of chair made of leather. It was a car. I sniffed the air. Yes, it was Alex’s car; he was the only one I knew who used lemon flavored air freshener. The car began to vibrate and then move. We were leaving. ‘Well Marisa, here goes nothing.’ I thought to myself as I relaxed into my chair.
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Well here's chapter two. Please send me a message or something, it'd be really nice to hear some feedback! Thanks for reading
Nicole <3