One Crazy Night


I was just about to punch Brendon in the arm seeing him dance on a trampling during a performance for an award show with Sarah, but he keeps running away everytime I try. Spencer, Haley, Jackie, Crystal, and Zack laugh, obviously entertained by the fact that Brendon is afraid of little ol' me.

"Hey, why don't you take little one outside to the roller coaster." Crystal says while showing me the blonde haired little person.

I smile happily and agree to take her out of the crazy building to the small yellow rollercoaster just outside.

I let the girl go on her own before all of a sudden being blindsided by Brendon who seems to be very drunk and it is proven to be true by his slurring words.

"Can you come with me to get me anuther beer?"

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, Brendon," I say as he pulls me along to a vendor to get him another beer, but they ran out.

"Come on." Brendon says while walking with me in front of him and him happily grabbing my boob as we walk. I didn't feel like anything I would say would stop him, so I stayed quiet as we entered a building and he sat me down on a chair. He had a drunken suductive look on his face, which makes me laugh.

He begins straddling me and making out, but then he stops when a blonde haired hooker wearing all gold comes in and tried to get Brendon away from me.

He gets off of me and says, "Calm down Vivian" before walking out, leaving me with the hooker.

"That is mine!" she keeps claiming over and over again, which makes
me angry.

"You're a whore!" is all I yell over and over again before leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it makes no's a dream that I vaguely remember, so
what do you expect? Hope you enjoyed my bit of nonsense and sorry that I couldn't remember everything that happened. I'm sure this would've been a better one shot if I did.