Max Green's Love

chapter3.Max is gone for awhile

"OH, my, gosh, M.j, guess what." Max screamed into my face.

My eyes were widened. "OMFG, what!"

Max breathed a little. "Well you know that contract The band was tring to get. We got it!"

I sreamed in exsitment. "Promices me you will call me every day, and i will go to every one of your conserts."

Max smiled. "Were not goanna get that famouse."

I just roled my eyes, "Yes you will, Escape the fate is going to be Huge, i promice."

He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips. I was suprised at first then went along.

Max pulled away. "I'm sorry, i just got to exsited."

I shook my head, "It's fine." then i kissed him on the cheek. "Go get em tiger."

He smiled at me and left for two years and we never got ahold of each other.

I tryed to call him over and over again, but he never answered. i went to there shows, but i didnt have the guts to go say hi. for two years Max forgot about me, untill I ment Andy Sixx.