Status: See About Me On My Main Page, please


Chapter 3

I knew once in the locker room there'd be hell to pay so I debated going in right away. Waiting would make sure that nothing happened but I'd be late so I guess I'm going in.

"Hey, slut," Debbie said as she saw me.

I cringed, I was trying to sneak past her. "Sore loser."

"Your already dating the new kid?" Debbie and her cronies laughed. "Probably already had him in havn't you?"

"No!" I snapped.

"Ooh defensive,"Debbie cooed.

"Shut up, whore!" I yelled. "Just because you've slept with everyone else doesn't mean I have!"

Debbie got angry. "What makes you so perfect huh? You prance around here like your better then everyone! Your not! Your an ugly bitch who blames everything on on losing your prostitue mommy and dumb ass brother!"

Something in me snapped as I charged Debbie. I punched her several times before anyone else noticed what was happening. Her cronies tried to join but some other girls held them back, making it a fair fight. Debbie grabbed my hair and pushed me back but instead of out powering me, she infuriated me.

How there she bring up my mom and brother? How there she insult them and call her names? Then she calls me a whore? And tells me to stop acting like I'm better? Hah! What a joke!

I became a monster. I didnt hear anything. I didnt think of anything other then making her pay. Tears began to run down my face and I felt my self trying to beathe. I was screaming and yelling but I dont know what. Suddenly, I was being lifted. I began to yell "No, let me kill her! PLEASE!!" Even in my head I knew that was harsh but I didnt want to see her any more. I wanted her to feel the pain of death!

Then the world started to rush by and someone was carrying me over their shoulder. I began to pound on their back, with no change. I began to cry and moan. Even after all that, I was in pain. My hands hurt and my face and stomach hurt from the few shots Debbie got in but that wasnt it. It was inside.

Whoever was holding me, running with me, put me inside a car, and started to drive. I was in the passenger's seat with my knees up and my head leaning on them, crying uncontrollably. After what seemed like forever I was able to control my tears and see who was driving. Jax?

"Um hey?" Jax said when he heard me calming down.

"Why? How?" I asked.

"I heard screaming from next door and figured it was you," Jax said smiling over to me. "When I walked in, I saw murder in your eyes, you were really going to kill her, I had to get you out of there before you could."

"Oh," I said.

"So what got you so mad?" Jax asked, stopping the car at a lake.

"Nothing," I mumbled, feeling shy. Jax got out of the car, went to the trunk, and came back to open my door. I stepped out, falling into Jax, my body feeling weak. Instead of saying anything, Jax took me bridal style and walked down to the lake.He set me down on the smooth grass, laid down a blanket, and sat down. I crawled over to the blanket and sat next to him.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he got up and went back to his car. He got something else from the trunk and something from the glove department of the car and came back, his Ipod and speakers.

"Have any favorite singers?" He asked setting it up.

"Um Taylor Swift?" I asked, not expecting him to have it.

"Oh really?" Jax said before turning on 'Mine'. "Didnt think I'd have it, did you?" He smirked.

"Nope," I replied honestly.

"You cant tell anyone but I've got all her songs," Jax said smiling, laying down.

I laughed, going over to lay next to him, my head laying comfortably on his outstreched arm. "So what else do you listen to?"

"Um, 3 Doors Down, Eminem, P!nk, a little Escape the Fate, John Cena, Beastie Boys, Micheal Jackson, Meatloaf, Kiss, ecetera, ecetera," Jax listed. "You?"

"3 Doors Down, Eminem, P!nk, John Cena, Meatloaf, as well as Taylor Swift, Glee, Jesse McCartney, Miley Cyrus, ecetera, ecetera," I laughed.

"Hm, favoirte song? Mine is, Where were you (When the World Stopped Turning) By: Alan Jackson,"

"Your into country?"

"Sorta, the song is about 9/11, kinda makes me teary eyed," he answered honestly. "I'll put it on."

"I could understand that, I like the new song by Lil Wayne, How to Love,"

"You like Lil Wayne?" it was his turn to be surprised.

"No, not really, but it's a nice song," His song started and instantly I really understood what he ment inside. The song was beautiful and I too got water eyed.

"Like it?"

"Loved it"

"Yeah, I Not what happened but the way the country got together, it was like God was saying that even in disaster this country can stick together," Jax explained.

"I get it," I sighed. "But hey, we got him!" I said proudly, feeling good to be an American.

"That we did," Jax said.

"Favorite movie?" Jax asked, changing the subject, after a few minutes of us remembering the fateful day.

"Hm, tough, I guess Toy Soldiers with Sean Astin," I said.

"Really? I expected like Pretty in Pink or some chick flick," Jax teased. I playfulling punched him in the chest. "Ow! That hurt!" He whined like a toddler.

"Well, so did your comment!" I snorted.

"Well," Jax said, mimicking me. "there's a punishment for hitting thee Jax Camble!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" I said.

Jax stood up and grabbed my two arms, pulling me up. I giggled uncontrollably trying to pull away. Quick as a cat, Jax grabbed my legs and picked me up bridal style. He then started to walk to the lake.

"No!" I gasped seeing his intentions.

"Oh, yes!" He laughed.

"If I go in, your coming with!" I threatened.

"Fine by me!" Jax screamed throwing me.
I had my arms around his neck, bringing him with me as I promised. I felt myself break the cool water, feeling Jax behind me.I stood up, wiping water out of my eyes, feeling thankful that I was still in my gym uniform, knowing that my phone and Ipod were safe in my gym locker. When there was no water in my eyes I looked up seeing Jax smiling at me. Jax waded over to me and pushed his lips against mine. I returned the kiss. Jax put his arms around my waste and pulled me closer. After a few minutes, we released, needing air. We walked back to shore holding hands.

"So why did you really go after Debbie?" Jax asked when we got back to the blanket.

"She talked about and insulted my mom and brother," I sighed.

"Was it that big of a deal?" Jax asked confused, worry in his eyes.

"They died 5 years ago," I mumbled.

"Oh, um if you dont mind me asking, but how?" Jax asked.

"Murder," I was able to get out before bursting into tears. I felt Jax pull me into him, I was crying on his wet chest.

"Do you wanna go home now?" Jax asked with care in his voice. I couldnt answer him, I just nodded my head. Jax lift me up and carried me to the car. He put me in the passenger side, ran back to grab the blanket, and gave it to me. I wrapped myself comfortably in it. Jax got into the drivers side, put the car in gear, and back up on to the road. The ride was silent the whole ride home. When we got to my house, Jax walked me to the door. We stood there for a second before he hugged me and began walking away.

"Jax wait!" I called. He turned around as I ran towards him. I kissed him quickly. "Thanks, it was fun, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Jax smiled before turning and getting in his car. He waited for me to go inside before I heard his car pull away. It was a fun, emotional, day.
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Yay! Update! So you got to see Izzy's violent side and Jax's and Izzy's first kiss! Whatcha think?