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Meeting You Was No Accident

“Come on Violet, Ace is already in the van!” Patch yelled form the bottom of the stairs.

“I’ll be there in a minute!” I yelled back. I ruffled up my raven coloured hair. That should do.

I skipped down the stairs and then I started falling down. Lucky for me Patch caught me before I face planted the floor. I’ve always been kind of a klutz.

“You okay?” he asked me.

“Of course. In fact, I’m surprised I hadn’t fallen down them already.” I gave him a big smile and he laughed lightly.

We walked out of the house together and climbed into our beat up red van. Ace was in the drivers seat with Patch next to him. I always sat in the back, I had this slight fear of cars.

Just to fill you in, I had just moved here with my two best friends. Here would be sunny LA. Much different from where I am from, Montreal, Canada.

Ace, Patch and I are in a band. See, it all makes sense now. Small town girl goes to live in the big city to follow her dream. Well, Montreal isn’t that small but it’s the same idea. Anyway, we have known each other for a while now.
I first met Ace when he moved to Montreal from some small town just outside of Pairs. Lucky for him, I spoke real French. We became friends instantly.
Patch has always been there. I have known him much longer, he was my neighbour for twelve years after all.

Our little group of three is definitely something.