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Meeting You Was No Accident

Hello There :)

We pulled up to, what I’m guessing is, where we will be eating tonight. Well, it wasn’t really dinner time, but it was to us. The time change hadn’t really hit us yet. In a way its not really a bad thing, restaurants aren’t usually to busy at 3:00.

* * *

I swatted the space in front of me and I felt my hand hit something.

“Ow! Gez Vi, I’m only trying to wake you up.” Ace said.

“You should know better.” I mumbled.

“We have an hour until we have to leave, so I suggest you wake up soon.”

“Gurrr… Fine, I’ll be down in twenty.”

I heard the door click then I rolled over in bed. I was just starting to drift back to dream land when my alarm went off. I would have been mad but the radio was playing one of my favourite songs, Photograph by Def Leppard.

I stood up on my bed and did some air guitar with the opening. I started to sing along as it got closer to the bridge. I jumped off my bed and started dancing around my large room.

As the song finished, I ended up in front of my window. The view was of the neighbours window. He also just so happened to be in that window, clapping. I smiled at him and waved.

From what I could see, he was tall and thin. His hair was just as dark as my own but not nearly as long. The smile on his face was warm and welcoming.

I put up my index finger to say ‘one minute’. I ran off to go find a pad of paper and a pen. When I got back he was still there, thank god.

I scribbled down on the paper:

Hello! I’m Violet :)

I pressed it up to the window so he could read it. He nodded his head and disappeared for a moment.

When he came back he held up a sign that read:

Hallo Violet, I’m Bill.

I waved again and tapped my wrist to indicate time, which I was now running out of. He nodded again and I left to go jump into the shower.

When I got out I dressed into a red summer dress with a black belt around my waist. I didn’t want to dress to fancy, but not too casual either. See, today was the day we were going to be meeting our new manager.

* * *

“Hello, I’m Jim Mendler. I’m your new manager.”

I looked around the office we were sitting in. There was a man sitting across from me. I sat in the middle with Ace and Patch on either side. He didn’t look to scary, so this might actually work out.

“Bonjour.” Ace and I said at the same time.

“Hey Jim.” Patch said, “Just ignore the two frenchies.”

“Patch!” We said together again. Okay, now that’s just getting creepy. I mean, I really shouldn’t be all that creped out considering Ace is practically my long, lost twin.

“Did you guys stay up last night just so you could practice what you wanted to say today?”

“No.” We said together, again. We both looked at each other and I could tell Ace was trying to hold in laughter just as I was. We couldn’t last too long…

“Well its good to know that I’ll at least be with a group that’s not afraid to let loose every once in a while.” Jim said.

“You should be more worried about us being serious.” I told him. Jim laughed at this. Yep, this will definitely work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me, what do you think so far?