

Love, lust, sex, and pills.

Love because you can't have sex without pretending it's true. Lust because you lust the sex. Sex because it's a game. And pills because it makes it fun.
Stanley was an only child, and he didn't have those parents who were like "Oh my son is perfect, oh my son, he gets straight A's and if he doesn't he's grounded!" His parents were more like "You were an accident, which means I can accidentally forget to take care of you." Yeah basically they were never around, so Stanley mostly stayed with his best friend, Jeremy, who had his own apartment.

"Stanley, I'm throwing a party, and guess who is invited??! THAT TIFFANY CHICK YOU LIKE. You, her, hook up, yes? It's perfect, you guys are always flirting, you have to get together."

"Jeremy, seriously?" Stanley grunted, "Come on, I can do this type of stuff for myself."

"No you cant, that's why I do it for you."


The party started not too long after, and Stanley saw a tall, blond beautiful girl, he recognized. He walked over there and tapped her on the shoulder, and she jumped, happily and hugged him. Her smile turned from sweet to seductive in seconds.
"I love you," she said. "I need you," she said.

"I love you too," Stanley replied, shocked, and the next thing he knew she was attached to his face, kissing, pushing, kissing, pushing, making their way to an empty room where the rest of the party would never find them. The bed in the room was big, and Tessa pushed him on top of it, unbuttoning his pants.

"Tessa wait," Stan said, pushing her away. "How drunk are you, Tessa, listen to me, how drunk are you?"

"Very, but that doesn't matter. Buddy," her breath smelt highly of boes. "I've got condoms." She pulled a condom out of her bra and started opening it. "You know what else I have?" She grabbed something else from her D-cups. "Pills." She whispered, and started giggling, as she grabbed one out of the bag and popped it in his mouth. He swallowed it, and as soon as things started getting blurry, he stopped caring for the fact that she was drunk, because he wasn't all there either.

She situated herself on top of him, as she popped some pills herself.


"Stanley. Stan. Stanley. Hello? Fuck you man, wake up. Get you're naked ass out of my fucking bed, you asshole. Stanley?" Jeremy slapped Stanley's head.

"What was that for?" Stanley yelled, rubbing his head.

"You had sex. In my bed. With TESSA. What happened to Tiffany man?! And now you're fucking laying there naked on my bed."

"Sorry man. Things got fucked up. She was drunk, and she pulled pills out of those...HUGE boobs. She had EVERYTHING in there, dude. And a condom too, so we don't have to worry about...you know. Anyways, she said she loved me, and I said I loved her too, I didn't think, and then it just happened I guess."

"Fuck you man. I invited Tiffany just for you, ESPECIALLY for you! She's still here too. She's asleep on the couch, and you should know, it spread throughout the whole party. She knows."

"Fuck. Fuck fuck. I need to talk to her. Fuck. Shit. I'm stupid. I don't even like Tessa. What was I thinking?"

"Get dressed, man, please. And buy me some new sheets."

"Can do. I...I think I'm going to go talk to Tiffany."