Kilmany Mansion

Kilmany Mansion

"Come on Frank," Gerard said, "Open my present!"

"Alright, alright!" Frank took the black covered present that sat in front of him, and ripped the paper off.

"A box?" he asked, looking at Gerard.

"Open it dumbass." Gerard said. Everyone around them laughed.

Frank opened the box to reveal a brown paper bag. Pulling in out, he found that there were two holes for eyes cut into the bag.

"What is this?" he asked.

"It's your birthday present!" Gerard exclaimed, laughing, "Now noone has to put up with your horrible face!" Gerard started laughing, and Frank wadded up the paper bag.

"Ha, ha, hilarious."

"But, no, seriously, here's your present." Gerard handed him another black covered box, and again Frank ripped it apart.

Opening the box, he pulled out a Scream mask.

"Ha! Dude! This totally kicks ass!"

"Thought so." Gerard said smiling.

"Thanks everyone!" Frank exclaimed. Standing up, he wiped his but clear of the dust that had settled on the floor of the old mansion that they were in.

"Now, lets party!" exclaimed Steven, a close friend of Frank.

"Right on!" Eric agreed, another close friend of both Steven and Frank.

Tonight was Halloween, and instead of Trick or Treating for his birthday, Frank's friends decided that it would be fun to break into Kilmany Mansion and have a killer time there.

Of course, Frank's main friends, Gerard and Mikey Way, Ray Toro, and Bob Bryar were invited; along with their girl friends, Sara, and Stacy Carter (Gerard and Mikey's in that order), and Bob's girl friend Breanne Grey. (Ray's girlfriend had recently dumped him so she wasn't invited.)

Then of course, there was Frank's girlfriend, Venessa Sharpe. And then Steven Jones, and Eric Watsmen were there too.

Everything was set to go, loud music, streamers. They were all having a blast!

Breanne and Bob made their way into another room. Lying down on a bed, the beat of the music, guided their lips and their movements. Soon, Bob was shirtless, and Breanne was topless.

"I love you." Bob whispered, a whimper followed after.

"I love you too." Breanne whispered back. She placed a kiss on his lips, and when he didn't kiss back, she didn't think anything of it.

A weird feeling came to Breanne after a while. Sitting up, she looked at her stomach, and screamed.

"What is it!" Gerard said, as everyone gathered into the room. Breanne was in the corner of the bed, staring at Bob.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked, coming over. "Oh my-"

Breanne was shaking uncontrollably, and noone moved to comfort her.

Bob Bryar was lying on the bed, a harpoon shoved through his stomach, it's tip showing through the skin.

"Breanne.... Come here...." Gerard held out his hand, and Breanne took it.

She grabbed her shirt, and pulled it over her head. "Oh my god." she ran out of the room, and to a near by trash can. Everyone could hear her vomiting over the music.

Everyone stayed and stared at their dead friend, not knowing what to do. They were a long distance away from town, so non of their cell phones work, and of course, with this being an old building, there weren't any phones.

Going back into the living room, they closed the door to the room where Bob lay, and turned off the music.

"Who did this?" Gerard asked, off the bat. He was talking more to Breanne than everyone in the room.

"I don't know...." she said, tears spilling over her eyes, "I don't know...." She surrendered into her massive sobs.

"We have to find out who did it." Gerard said, looking at the group of friends.

"And how do you suppose we should do that?" Steven asked.

"I don't know." Gerard answered.

"You know...." Mikey stated, "This reminds me of the movie Friday the 13th."

"Really?" Gerard asked. "Oh! I know what you mean! The part where the guy got the harpoon shoved... through... his.... Stomach...."

"Are you guys seriously relating this to a movie!" Eric cried.

"Well, it happened." Gerard said.

"Yeah, well, what do you think we should do?"

Gerard and the rest of the group were silent to the answer of that question.

"I've got it!" Gerard said, "We'll stay here over night.... Everyone buddy up with someone, and share a room.... In the morning.... If our car isn't damaged in any way by then, we can go into town, and tell the cops what happened."

"What do you mean 'if our car isn't damaged by then'?" Steven demanded.

"Well, if you've ever seen the movie Cabin Fever you would know that they couldn't get into town because their car was damaged." Gerard said, "It's just a thought...."

"I can't believe your basing this off of movies!" Steven yelled.

"You have something better to relate it to! Huh!" Gerard yelled back, "Now, everyone partner up, and find a room!"

Gerard wrapped his arm around Sara's waist, Mikey hugged Stacy close to him, Steven and Eric just stood nest to each other, Frank and Venessa clung to each other, while Ray helped Breanne out of the chair she had collapsed in.

"Alright.... Everyone... find a room, and don't leave it with out your partner.... Understood!" Gerard called. Everyone nodded, and the pairs went off their separate ways to find somewhere to sleep.


Eric and Steven got ready for bed. Both men pulled off their shirts, and pants, and got into the separate beds in nothing but their boxers.

Eric fell asleep fast, but a knocking sound kept Steven up. Opening his eyes, he strained his ears, and noted that someone was knocking on the door.

Sighing, he got out of bed, and looked through the key hole of the door.


Eric sat up, and saw his friend fall to the floor, his eye blown out, and the back of his head blown to pieces.

Not soon after, everyone else entered the room, to find Steven on the floor, and Eric curled in a ball, rocking back and forth, staring at his dead friend.

"What the hell happened?" Gerard exclaimed.

"I-I-I don't know...." Eric stammered, "I-I-I was a-a-asleep...."

Gerard looked at the eye, and then looked at the door. The key hole was distorted.

"Just like in Saw II." he stated.

"What?" Eric asked.

"In Saw II a man is killed by looking into a hole in a door and a gun is at the other end of it. The gun goes off, and the man is dead." Gerard said.

"And you're telling me that this is what happened to Steven?" Eric asked, ridicule written all over his face.

"I'm just saying."

"No, just saying would be giving out theories, not comparing things to movies." Eric said.

"At least I know how it might have happened!" Gerard said.

"Well, who the hell died and made you captain of the group! Huh!" Eric yelled, "And! Why shouldn't we believe that it wasn't you who killed Bob and Steven! You're the one who's relating things to horror movies..... You've seen them enough times to know everything about them.... How to make them work...."

"I didn't kill Bob and Steven!" Gerard said though gritted teeth.

"And how are we to believe that?"

"Because I was with Sara the entire time." Gerard said.

"Well, how do we know that you two aren't in this together?"

"Because we aren't!" barked Gerard.

"I don't believe you." Eric said.

"You know!" Gerard yelled, "I hope the killer gets you next! Then you'll see that I'm telling the truth!" Gerard stopped suddenly, "Wait.... I didn't mean that."

Eric held a look on his face that was in complete shock.

"Dude.... I'm sorry, I never meant to say that...."

Eric's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell forward, revealing a poison dart sticking out of the back of his neck.

"Shit!" Gerard exclaimed. "Holly shit...."

Everyone was silent, all eyes on Gerard.

"I didn't mean it." he said, staring at Eric, "I didn't mean it...."

Frank and Ray slowly came forward, and picked up Steven's body.

"What are you doing?" Venessa asked.

"We've got to move them...." Frank answered, "We can put them with Bob."

Gerard nodded his head, and he and Mikey picked up the body of Eric, and followed the leaders in carrying the dead bodies to the bedroom where Bob's body sits.

"Maybe we should all just go back to bed." Gerard said.

"Yeah." Mikey agreed.

"Wait!" Sara exclaimed, "Were's Stacy?"

"What?" Mikey looked around the room, "Oh my god!"

"What did you do to her!" Sara exclaimed, "Where's my little sister!" she held her face inches away from Mikey's as she yelled at him.

"I don't know..." he answered.

"You better find her." Sara said, "You better find her."

"We should all split up." Gerard said.

"Right." everyone went down a separate hallway, looking for Stacy.

Searching every inch of the house, they met back in the living room. Ray went over to the door to where all of the bodies were, and gasped.

"What is it?" Sara asked. Walking forward, she peered into the room, and screamed. Her little sister was among the pile of dead bodies.... Her throat slit.

"Oh my god!" Gerard whispered.

"It's your brother!" Sara exclaimed. "I know it is! He was the last one with my sister!"

They both looked around the room, and then Mikey was nowhere to be found, Gerard went into a panic.

"Mikey?" he called, running down the halls. His friends ran behind him, "Mikey!"

Frantically, Gerard looked from room to room, looking for his brother, who he hoped was still alive.

Entering the last room, he opened the door. It hit the wall, and bounced back.

Upon turning around, Gerard saw his younger brother Mikey Way, standing against the wall, and large nail, nailed into his forehead.

"Oh...." Gerard said, staring in horror at his brother, "Mikey...." collapsing to the floor, Gerard gave a way to tears.

Everyone else entered the room to find their "leader" of their group in hysterics, and his younger brother dead.

Gently removing Mikey from the wall, Venessa and Frank carried Mikey's body to the Room of Corpses.

Sara was comforting Gerard the way there. Sitting on a couch, Gerard stared into the distance and everyone gathered into the room.

"Where's Ray?" he asked, looking around the room.

"Shit." Frank whispered.

A sound of someone choking came from the front hallway. The dwindling group of friends ran to the front door, and stopped at the sight of Ray Toro hanging by a rope wrapped around his neck, jerking wildly as he was strangled.

Breanne gave out a scream, and looked away, Venessa buried her face in Frank's chest, and Sara stared in horror along with Gerard and Frank.

Finally, Ray stopped moving altogether, and was dead.

"We should get some sleep." Gerard said, his expression emotionless, making him look dead.

"Yeah...." Sara said.

The group of friends re-entered the living room, where Gerard grabbed Frank's scream mask, and held it in his hands. He stopped for a moment, and Sara walked on ahead.

Entering a bedroom, Sara crawled into bed, and waited for Gerard. A figure in a Scream mask came into the door.

"Hey sweety." she said, a smile playing at the edge of her lips, but she didn't let it overcome her.... It felt almost wrong to smile, which she thought it was.

Gerard crawled into bed, without taking the mask off.

"Are you going to sleep in that?" she asked. He nodded. "Whatever."

Rolling over, she closed her eyes and prepared to fall asleep.


Walking into the bedroom, Gerard crawled into bed next to the already sleeping Sara, and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Leaning in he placed a kiss on her cheek, and slid his hand up to her chin. Along the way, he felt something wet and cold.

"What the-" pulling the cover away from Sara's neck, he screamed. "NO! NOOOO!"

Sara's head was decapitated from her body. Frank, Venessa, and Breanne came into the room.

"No!" Frank whispered. Walking over to Gerard, who was clinging to the body of his dead girlfriend, and pulled him away from the body.

"Come one Gerard...." he lead him over to Breanne who comforted him on their way to the living room, leaving Frank and Venessa to carry the body, and head to the room of corpses.

Gerard sat against the wall, staring into space. Frank and Venessa walked by carrying the body, and her head rolled off of the body, and landed in Gerard's lap. Sara's innocent eyes stared up at Gerard.

Frank and Venessa quickly placed the body down in the dead room, and took the head from Gerard's lap. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he fell to the floor. His limbs and body shaking wildly.

"Oh no!" Venessa cried, "He's having a seizure!" she knelt down next to him, and held his head to her.

"Shhhh...." she said into his ear, "Gerard, calm down." hoisting him up, so that his back was to her chest, she placed her hand over his, and breathed deeply. "Breath with me Gerard...."

He tried, but his body convulsed wildly. But eventually, it passed.

"Get a glass of water." Venessa said.

"I'll go with you." Frank said, as Breanne got up. Together, they both went and came back with a glass of water.

"Here you go." Breanne said.

"Thank you." Venessa tipped the water into Gerard's mouth, and he swallowed.

His body started to shake again, but it only lasted for a minute. Then, his body was completely limp.

Venessa placed her fingers at the fold of his elbow, and felt for a pulse. Her eyes widened, and her face grew solemn.

"He's gone." she answered. Frank nodded, and dragged Gerard to the "Dead room".


Frank, Venessa, and Breanne sat in the living room, by a bookcase. Breanne had her back to the shelves, Venessa was sitting across from her, and next to Frank who was rocking back and forth, terrified from the recent past events of seeing his friends slowly being murdered one-by-one.

"I can't take this anymore!" Venessa cried. She got up, and bumped into the bookshelf on accident, causing a harpoon that rested on top of the case to fall, piercing Breanne's head through and through, killing her instantly.

Venessa let out a scream, and back away from Breanne's dead body. Frank jumped up, and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.

"It's okay.... It's.... oh... kay." Pulling away from his girlfriend, Frank saw that Venessa was smiling. "It's you!" he exclaimed, "You're killing everyone!"

"Very good Frank." Venessa said, giving a shrill laugh.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why not?" she replied.

"They were our friends!"

"'Were' being the key word." Venessa said coolly.

"What are you going to do?" Frank asked, backing into the wall.

"I just want you all to myself." Venessa said. She came up to Frank, and placed her lips on his.

Even though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't help but get lost in her kisses.

Venessa opened her mouth slightly, allowing Frank's tongue to enter. He felt around her mouth, and felt something weird. Clamping her jaws together, the metal that was surrounding her teeth, cut through Frank's tongue.

He cried out in pain, and pulled away from her.

"You know Frank...." Venessa said, smiling her metallic grin, "I love having things surgically implanted into my mouth. Don't you love how sharp my teeth are?" Frank of course couldn't say anything.

"I love you Frank.... I always will." holding Frank up, Venessa put her lips to his mouth, and bit down on her throat, ripping through his skin, his veins, and his air pipe.

Letting Frank fall to the floor, Venessa smiled, and she watched her boyfriend slowly die, the most painful death of them all.

"Good bye, Frank." Venessa whispered as Frank's vision completely blacked out.

Tonight was Halloween, and instead of Trick or Treating for his birthday, Frank's friends decided that it would be fun to break into Kilmany Mansion and have a killer time there.
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I wrote this like.... two years ago, not kidding, and it's based off of a roll play that my friend and I did, taking on all of these personalities. It was rather fun, and I thought it would be pretty cool to share it with everyone one Quizilla. They loved it, so now it's your turn! YAY!