‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine


Casey Wolton was not able to tear her eyes off the enormous bag of peaches that were gently set in front of her. Honestly, she couldn’t believe that anyone would want to eat one of those slimy fruit, let alone a plastic bag full of them. They all looked ominously back at her, she stifled a frown.

“That all?” Casey asked.

The skinny, pale and ridiculously tattooed man nodded. His eyelashes seem to flutter down like bird wings when he peered at his hands searching for his wallet. He glanced back up once he pulled out a couple crumbled American dollar bills, handing them to her, and smiling like he was an average looking human being. She noted how remarkably radiant his smile was.

Quickly typing in the number for peaches, and the amount he had mumbled to her earlier that were in the bag, she took the money and he was gone as quickly as he had arrived. Casey then continued onto her next customer and persisted with her day, her long, dreary day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short prologue. Oh, well.