‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Nine

The apartment is rather cozy, and Oliver can’t help but imagine himself living here. The couch is the first thing he sees when he walks in. It is small, beaten in and bright red. All he can think of is blood. The painful nosebleeds.

He glances to the left, at the kitchen, where Casey is pouring two huge glasses of pink lemonade. She smiles at him and he returns it. Casey holds out the glasses, Oliver makes his way over and takes one. His fingers lightly brush the tops of hers.

“Thank you,” He nods.

“You’re very welcome,” She replies as she fills Chum’s dish with crunchy dog food and a couple slices of banana on top. He begins to eagerly eat away. Crunch, crunch, munch, munch.

“What kind of dog is he?” Oliver asks, scrabbling for something to talk about since Casey seems to be keeping a tight lip.

“A blue-heeler,” She says, taking a sip of her drink, barely flitting her eyes on him.

Sure, Oliver thinks he’s pretty attractive, and yes, he admits he can have a bit of an ego about it. But this girl will hardly look at him for longer then five seconds. He began to nonchalantly rub his nose to make sure he didn’t have any snot on it. Nope, only the feel of scruff from not shaving for a day.

Oliver looks around, realizing that it is going to be bloody fucking difficult to make this lassie talk. Nothing at all how-, “How long have you been living here?”

“About two years now,” Casey shrugs, “After living for a year, once high school was over, in my parents house, they found this apartment for me.” She prances her way over to the television, clicks a button on the side of it, turning it on, “Want to play Wii with me?”

Even if she isn’t saying much, at least she’s trying to entertain him. Casey pops back up from being hidden by the couch, gripping two controllers.

“Usually it’s Caleb and me playing, he always beats me…” She mumbles as Oliver takes a remote and sets down his drink.


“My best friend from high school, his girlfriend Jayde-”


“Yeah! She’s friends with your brother, I guess.”

“Oh, shit, he has had the biggest crush on her for forever,” Oliver chuckles.

Casey laughs with him as she turns on the Wii, “Well, Jayde, I can beat her. Which is nice for a change.”

“I bet I’ll beat you twice as much as Caleb can,” Oliver challenges, his stance is as if he is going to fight someone. A grin curling on his full-lips.

“Oh really? We’ll see about that,” Casey gives him a defiant smirk.

Almost two hours of nonstop playing and both are worn out from staring at the screen. Sitting on the couch, Casey next to him, Oliver rubs his eyes with his slender fingers, “Fuck, my eyes hurt. But I beat you, twelve out of fifteen, chicka. You know what is owed.” He taps his cheek with his index, a devilish smile spread across his face.

Casey rolls her eyes and pouts, “Yeah, yeah,” She quickly gives him a kiss, worried he might turn his head and make it a full-fledged one. “It’s about time for you to head home, isn’t it?”


“I guess so… I did promise Tom I’d go to a party with him tonight.”

“Perfect,” She smiles, “Because I’m going out to dinner with Caleb and Jayde at seven. And it’s already five, so I need to start getting ready.”

Oliver sighs, upon standing up he spots a pad of paper and a pen on the counter in the kitchen. He scribbles his number on it and “Oli<3” beside it.

“Be seeing you ‘round then,” He says, “Give me a ring?”

“Maybe,” Casey articulates, “Good night, Mr. Sykes.”

And close goes the door in his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Much love to my new subscribers.
As well as my older ones. <3