‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Eleven

Friday night and the Backwater building is swarming with fish. Long hair, tight pants, bulky skater shoes, chipped nail polish and dark clothes all fit together in a wonderful disarray of controlled chaos.

Casey feels out of place in her black leggings and bright blue tank top. She glances down at the white anchor that adorns her tank and frowns. Jayde stands beside her like a fierce she-warrior. A defiant expression is embroidered on her face as she shoves through the thick crowd, grasping Casey’s hand.

Finally they reach the entrance, a layer of people keep them from it. They are easily moved aside.

“Hey, her boyfriend is in one of the bands playing, can you let us in?” Jayde asks with as much ferocity as a mother protecting her young.

The guard looks round him, his eyes landing on Casey. He gives her a suspicious inspection and shakes his head.


Jayde sighs, and her shoulders hunch a little, muttering, “It was worth a try.”

Casey bites her tongue, her free hand is clutching the backstage pass that Oliver had given to her at work earlier in the day. Of course, he also bought a bag of peaches.

“It’s okay, we’ll be seeing them shortly,” She comforts, “It’s almost time for them to let us in, anyway.”

Jayde gives a small smile and nods in agreement.

Everyone is soon packed inside, similar to sardines. Casey has to silently laugh at herself for that one.

It is dark and the only real light is eminating from the stage and from the counter where drinks are served. Casey stays close to Jayde’s side, she begins to frantically search for Pale Fish, even Creature Fish, Matt, would be nice to locate. At least he’d be able to direct her to the person she really wants to see. A desperate sigh escapes her lips and she takes a deep breath, relaxing herself.

He’ll find her.

He did once, he’ll do it again.

The stage dims into a deep purple and the crowd falls into an excited, hushed whisper. There are shouts and whistles dotted randomly about Casey and Jayde, everyone around them itching in anticipation. People smoosh together, pressing themselves on one another to get closer to the stage.

The band members, excluding the singer, make their places on the platform. They begin testing their instruments, plucking strings, tapping symbals, messing with the chords that lay around them like lifeless black snakes. This really gets the fish on their toes as they start shifting and shoving, eager for the show to start.

A tall, lanky fellow covered in a mesh of tattoos strides out, taking long sweeping steps. His legs are very thin and being hugged by faded black skinny-jeans. Probably haven’t been washed for quite awhile. His upper torso sports a battered gray tank-top and his hair is long, filthy looking and a dirty brown.

“Mitch is so hot.” Says a young teen girl, caked in so much eyeliner and make up, Casey could see the discoloration of her skin even in the odd lighting. Noticing Casey’s offhand glance, she gives her a snooty up and down stare and then focuses back up on the singer bouncing slightly on his toes. He swings his long arms back and forth a couple times, microphone clutched in his right hand.

Instantly they break out into song and all Casey can think is that it is heavy, loud and she’s loving every second of it.

Jayde pulls her out of the crowd at the end of their show and they are standing in front of a merch table. A sign on the wall above them reads in scratchy red letters “Suicide Silence”. This must be the band that had just played? Casey wonders as she stares up at Jayde who is smiling down at her.

“Gosh, that was intense,” She remarks, “I needed a break… Usually Caleb is around to protect me when the crowd goes wild…”

“But all you have is little ole me,” Casey says, “I’m good for chucking at people!”

She laughs loudly, slapping her knee and the whole bit.

Recovering, she’s about to say something when-


She twists round, her eyes lock onto a pasty man with crystal blue eyes and a very boyish face. His eyelashes are long and thick, giving him a slightly girly look, but still attractive nonetheless.

“Aye, how are you? Who is this?” He quickly eyes Casey with a smirk and returns his gaze to Jayde. Casey could see the adoration on his face for her. Poor guy.

“I’m great! And this is my best friend Casey!” She exclaims giving him a brief hug, both of them were grinning like jackals at little Casey Fish who stood quietly, awkwardly, behind Jayde.

“Oooooh! You must be m' brother’s girlfriend,” He says deliberately, emphasizing on girlfriend with raised eyebrows. It only made him appear even more crazy. “I’m Tom Sykes!” He’s way too giddy that Casey thinks the dude is possibly on drugs, she's pulled into a tight hug and forces a lopsided smile. She’s still trying to ignore the girlfriend comment. Second one tonight.

“I’m Casey Wolton. Nice to meet you, Tom.”

He waves for the girl’s to follow, Tom is almost shaking with excitement.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have five freakin' stars!
So to celebrate, I updated. :'DD
You guys- I love you all!<3333
(': thankyou

ps. I made Tom sort of hyper, but he's precious, so he's allowed to be.<3