‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Twelve

Oliver is so excited to see her it takes all he has not to jump her right then and there. Instead he musters a smile that doesn’t seem too creepy, or at least he hopes it isn’t. Casey gives him a beaming one in return and partly opens her arms, inviting him in for a hug. He gladly accepts.

“It’s nice to see you again, Mister Sykes,” Casey says cheerfully, his arms are so warm and comforting. She has literally been waiting for this moment since Wednesday afternoon.

“Took the words out of meh mouth, Miss Casey,” He replies. Oliver is incredibly pleased with himself, because now their fingers have managed to intertwine. They stand close, as to not be questioned for their action. “One more band an’ we’re up next. We’re the final show.”

“Oh, okay,” Casey nods.

She is drinking in Pale Fish’s face like it’s the gateway to the Fountain of Youth. The corners of his mouth are upturned, the piercing in his lip shines dimly in the soft light, and his eyes, his large soft looking brown eyes, gaze down at her like she’s his lifeline. Butterflies coat her stomach. And all of this seems way too cheesy, but she can’t help and love every second of it.

“Okay! I brought us some drinks,” Tom yells, handing first Jayde, then Casey and Oliver cups of water.

The two completely separate after that, keeping a close, but respectful distance from each other. They’ve become suddenly self-conscious of other people possibly staring at something that they deem private. Even if it is just hand-holding.

Jayde and Tom begin chattering excitedly with Matt and two other members of their band that Casey hadn’t met yet.

That’s when Casey realizes that she has finally found an opportunity to ask Pale Fish something she had been interrupted on last time.

Though now she begins to feel awkward about even bringing the question up. Every time she glances over at him, he shoots her a remarkable smile. His confidence is beginning to return, much to her delight. Crunching the cup enough so it made weird popping sounds, she blurts, “How come-?!”

“Oli, we’re up next, come on,” A man with long hair split down the center calls, gesturing for him to follow.

“I’ll see you after,” Oliver says, giving her a warm smile. He hugs her briefly and Casey stares blankly as his skinny, long-legged figure recedes away from her.

“Come on, Casey! We should go and watch them,” Jayde exclaims, grasping her wrist and gently pulling her along. Tom follows closely behind, apparently he has become their new bodyguard.


The crowd seems to swirl around them like waves crashing up onto the beach, their voices all echoing and rebounding off of the walls. As soon as the lights dim down, it’s like everyone has a quiet understanding of hushing, all watching anxiously for the band to get on stage.

Of course, there is still the random screams, blurts of “hurry up!” and wolf calls.

All five band members make their way on stage. Matt Nicholls has a huge grin on his face as he perches himself behind a black drum set. There is a long flutter of screams from girls in the crowd.

A short, slightly chubby member with full lips and medium length hair meekly settles himself on the right hand side of the stage. He hides behind his bangs as the crowd flurries in delight for his appearance. While the long haired one from earlier places himself on the left hand side, along with one other. Those two receive shouts and wolf whistles as well.

Casey can’t help but think that the trio look too much alike to be told apart. She gives up trying to place names, since Jayde had told her quickly who was who before they busted their way through the crowd, thanks to Tom.

Oliver is last and the girls on the floor basically shout bloody murder at the mere sight of his leg.

A tall, lanky girl next to Casey with long, straight black hair screams, “I FUCKING LOVE YOU OLI!

She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy as Oliver emits a broad smile and waves at the girl. The girl, dubbed Blackhair Fish, practically faints with excitement of being noticed.

Casey can’t help but roll her eyes.

Though Oliver, on the other hand, is quick to spot Casey and blows a kiss, trusting that she knew it was meant for her.

She smiles faintly and reaches out her hand, as if catching it. Casey can’t help and feel satisfied by the envious expression on Blackhair Fish’s face. The rest of the night she was swallowed up by the crowd, losing herself in the sweat, heat and crushed bodies.

“Well I should of known,
Not to look into her eyes
I'm cast to stone,
Her glare was my demise!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Not to sound repetitive,
but many thanks for the new comments,
and subscriptions.
All of you really mean a lot to me,
and I'm not being sappy, I swear.
It just gives me a lot of motivation from all the feedback to keep writing!

ps. for those of you who read chapter 'thirteen', I deleted it and smooshed it with twelve.