‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Thirteen

“My car!” Casey yells, panic crawling in her voice like a pack of roaches in a pipe, “My car!

She slams her palms on the side of it. Three of the four windows are smashed and on the side facing her in black spray paint is the word ‘bitch’. Tears begin to pool and roll uncontrollably down her rosy cheeks. She rubs her eyes fervently, the idea of even crying embarrassing to her.

Casey runs inside the apartment complex and checks her door, it had been attempted to be broken in. She unlocks it and Chum comes bounding out, licking her hands and whimpering.

“Oh, Chum,” Casey whines, “Oh, Chum…”

Jayde is still standing by her own vehicle, cell phone at the ready, when Casey comes back outside. Chum is staying close by Casey’s legs, surveying the darkness around them. Jayde’s arms are folded across her chest and her face is contorted in sympathy and confusion.

“Thanks for dropping me off,” Casey croaks, “I’ll… I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
Jayde opens her mouth to say something but simply nods and says a quiet ‘good night’.


“Mr. Sykes? Uh, yes, it’s Casey,” She says softly, picking at the piece of paper with his number scrawled on it, “Can you come over, please? No, I’ll tell you more later. Thank you.”

Casey was too afraid to be at home alone now, but since her parents are still gone and Caleb is doing a late shift, Pale Fish is the only person Casey can think of to call. She didn’t want to worry Jayde any further either.

In under ten minutes there is a buzzing, and she lets Oliver in.

“You’re shaking.”

Casey hadn’t even noticed.

He grips her shoulders, pressing them against his chest.

Oliver then leads her over to the couch and they both sit down. Once he is sure she is comfortable, he gets up and puts a DVD in.

“Is ‘Ponyo’ okay? I’ve never seen it before,” He laughs softly. Casey nods, smiling a crack, and rests her head on his warm torso. Twelve minutes in and they’re both conked out.
♠ ♠ ♠

ps. Since I've been in a spectacular mood all weekend,
I'm going to post another chapter after this one.