‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Fifteen

“Oh God.”

“What?” Oliver asks, staring down at a Casey who has hunkered herself low enough so no one can see her through the car window.

“It’s him!”


“Joey Young.”

“Who’s ‘e?” Oliver brings his gaze up, following the overly tanned guy that had skimmed passed Oli’s car and up to Quik Stop’s automatic doors. He had parked himself up front so Casey wouldn’t have to walk too far, also he wanted to be able to watch her cute butt.

Hey, he is a dude.

“A jerk that works with me… I’m pretty sure he was the one who wrecked my car, along with some cronies, probably.” Casey frowns as she sits back up, now that she is in the clear, “I rejected him Monday and he was probably just waiting for the right opportunity. You know he tried to file me for harassment to our boss?”

“What th’ fuck,” Oliver growled.

“Yeah, now I’m gonna avoid him at all costs. I don’t know what else to do, besides that…”

Oliver’s mind begins clicking, remembering that next week Friday night his band is having a concert. If he could some how lure the guy to go to the show… something, maybe something would accidentally happen? He’d keep his mouth zipped though, Casey is definitely the type of girl who wouldn’t want anyone else to get immersed. And she'd be pissed if she knew Oliver had something planned, or was in the slightest involved.

“Well, I’d suggest you keep doing that,” Oliver says, a corner of his mouth raising in a smirk, “But if I catch ‘im attempting anything on you, I will punch his fucking brains out.”

“Oh, you’re so kind Oli,” Casey rolls her eyes, though there is a twinkle in them, showing her appreciation.

“Of course, love,” He purrs, pursing out his lips.

Casey is still getting used to the pet names, though she does secretly like them being said to her. Oliver quickly lunges in and kisses her on the cheek before Casey gets out of the car. A blush fills her countenance as she chokes out a ‘thank you’ and bolts off.

Oliver leans back, rolling his shoulders around and lets out a satisfactory sigh.


Casey is all aflutter as she carries about doing her work. For the first time since she started this job she’s been genuinely smiling, laughing and making friendly conversation with customers. Without the pressure of feeling like she has to, and it’s a wonderful feeling.

Even when she encountered Joey face to face on accident while turning down an aisle, she took it good-naturedly.

Oliver had kissed her, twice!

Every time she thought about it, she could feel her face getting hot and her palms would start to get itchy. So Casey had to distract herself with unpacking and restocking shelves. And if she couldn’t do that she’d help better train Marissa ( new employee fish, if she has been at all forgotten ) at the cash register.

It felt childish of how goofy her insides were churning with excitement, like he was her first ever boyfriend or something.

Is he even considered my boyfriend? Casey wondered as she absent-mindedly packed someone’s groceries in a bag.

“Hey, Miss Casey, I want to ask you something when you’re done.”

Casey glances over at Marissa and nods in response.

Finished with helping the customer, Casey treads her way over to Marissa fish, smiling, “Yes?”

“Is that one guy who dropped you off…” Marissa’s voice cuts short, “This is gonna sound totally stupid, but is he in a band?”

Casey’s taken aback by this but shakes her head up and down, “Yeah, why?”

“Oh, okay, just wondering,” Marissa’s smile is weak as she skitters away, giving a small wave as she does so.

Casey begins to suspect that Joey forced Marissa to ask her that, but she’s in too great of a mood to pursue it any further. What does she care if Assface Fish wanted to know if Oliver is in a band?
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been really busy,
and have company over all this week.
Sorry for lack of responses,
and I probably won't be able to talk for awhile because of being busy.
I still love you all,
please don't think I have forgotten any of you.<3
I had to quickly post this so i didn't seem rude for being missing. e.o;

ps. Some of you may have noticed that yes, Casey is calling Oliver "Pale Fish" less and less, mostly because she's becoming more comfortable with him.