‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Eighteen

Oliver decided that he’d make her something, and was thankful that Tom chose to be a good, no… wonderful brother and buy him groceries that consisted of a pasta related meal while him and Casey were still at the zoo. Oliver had to be casual about texting what he needed to him, but Casey didn’t ask what he was doing, so he knew that he was in the clear.

“Where are we going?” Casey asked.

“To my place,” Oliver replied, “I’m- I’m goin’ to make you dinner.”

“I didn’t know you knew how to cook other then eggs,” She mock gasped, laughing.

He half-chuckled, half-nervously inhaled for air.

Casey is rather taken aback by how nice his apartment is, not a spot of animal hair ( unlike hers ) or a stereotypical mess of clothes you expected from a guy. Unless they’re all on his bedroom floor... She even noticed a family photo where him and Tom are standing between an elderly couple she guess must be their parents. Oliver looked tall, gangly and out of place, but cute nonetheless.

That’s when she saw the picture. It was tucked under a pile of mail: her eyes, forehead and the top of her dark, unmistakable curling brown hair poked out. Those piercing mahogany eyes glaring at her, Casey pulled more of it out and practically yelped at the sight.

She's stark naked!

“‘Ey, love,” Casey shoved the picture back under the mail while turning around to confront Oliver, “Why’s your face all red?”

“Oh, nothing,” She tried to be casual, but that is something she has never been good at, so the photo ended up falling out and landing face down on the wood-paneled floor.

Oliver reached it before she did, his long arms and slender fingers forever more graceful then hers. His tattoos rippled over his arms like gentle waves in a pond as he pulled back and flipped the picture over to peer at it.

His eyes grew bigger then what they already are, and before Casey could say a word, he ripped it up in a bunch of tiny pieces and let them fall like snowflakes to the floor. A flicker of anger passes through him and Casey isn’t sure if it is directed toward her or not.

Oliver reaches out a hand, his fingers splayed, a smile is playing on his lips, “Come on, dinner is almost ready.”

The dinner, or Sketti Meal, as she was told by Oliver, was so mouth wateringly delicious she wished that her stomach was bigger. She could barely finish what was on her plate.

“Casey…” Oliver murmurs, his fingers had snaked their way through hers. Both of them are standing in the kitchen and he’s got her cornered in the crevice of two counters, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Her voice catches in her throat, she has been waiting for this moment terribly, but that image of Seductress Fish has wrapped itself in her mind’s eye. She has to clear the air before she can accept him.

“Oli, I need to know something first,” His forehead is pressed to hers, their noses just barely touching.


“She’s gone, right?”

At first he’s confused at what she is asking, then it dawns on him. Still staring down at their entwined hands, he replies, “Yes, she is, Casey.”

“Okay, then I’m all yours,” Casey grins, and throws her arms around his neck. He smiles and leans in to kiss her. When their lips touch, the butterflies shoot through her again, making her feel light and alive, alive, alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lordy, I love you all so much.
Thank you for all the lovely comments!
Sorry for being soooo freakin' late updating.
I went to Canada last week for their celebration of their country's birthday and didn't get home til Sunday! ( 144 years old. o_o )
And for some reason my internet wasn't working when I got back. Dx
Wednesday I had to drive up to Traverse City for the Cherry Festival,
and then Friday was Warped, so then I had to get to Detroit. 0.0;

Thank you all for putting up with me. q.q <3
I'll be posting two chapters, btw.