‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Nineteen

When Casey wakes up, it’s like a breath of fresh air has been pumped into her system. At the spur of the moment she decided to stay the night at Oliver’s. Of course, they didn‘t ‘do’ anything. She didn’t want to and Casey is pretty sure he didn’t either, and even if he did, he didn’t make any indications. Instead he was extremely respectful.

Her heart swelled with blooming flowers of happiness at the sight of Oliver curled up next to her. She giggles as he randomly grunts out a snore in his sleep, and at hearing her it is like a switch goes off and his huge eyes open up. He peers at hers and can’t help but compare them to a blue sky.

“You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs, nuzzling his nose into her ear, making her peel into laughter and push his face back.

“Oli…” Casey grumbles, “Well, you’re rather handsome yourself. With your bedhead and drool stains.”

He gives her a disgruntled stare, “Come a little closer, I need to tell ya somethin' important.”

Her eyes get big, filled with curiosity, and as soon as she leans in he plants a sloppy wet kiss on her cheek.

“Oh God!” Casey cries out and slams a pillow on his face, “I am not gonna sleep over again, I swear!” Oliver can hear the joking in her voice as she says this and he starts tickling her once he’s free of being smothered. “O-Oli, I can’t breathe! Please st-stop!”

“I need to get yeh to work,” Oliver suddenly remembers, sitting up straight.


On the drive to her work Casey asks, “When is my car going to be done being fixed?”

Oliver glances at her guiltily, “Actually… we could ‘ave picked it up yesterday…”

She smiles, “Well. Whatever, I like you driving me around.” The rest of the drive is plumed in peaceful silence, both of them lost in their own thoughts of one another.

Today is rather busy and Mr. Millstone, cat food man, is causing a fuss for Joey, whose face is about as purple as a plum. They both seem to be talking heatedly with each other. Mr. Millstone waves frantically at a stack of cat food and Joey is clenching and unclenching his fists, looking about ready to sock the man in his moustache.

“What’s going on?” Casey asks.

Marissa is helping all the customers she can, and struggling to do so. The worry and fatigue on her face is evident that this has been going on for awhile. Their boss, Mr. Morrison, had taken today off, so no one was able to help sooner.

Both men freeze and stare at her. Basil Millstone’s eyes are wild, and his nostrils flaring. Joey’s face is still bright red from speaking in a hushed, angry tone, trying to keep himself from screaming at the top of his lungs.

“Mr. Millstone here says that we were supposed to have the ‘turkey fillet’ in today, but I’ve told him a hundred times that we don’t,” Joey rumbles out through thin lips.

“It’s your lucky day, Mr. Millstone!” Casey exclaims, “We just got it in five minutes ago.” She ducks past a bunch of aisles and heads for the storage unit, Oliver had helped her unpack the cat food only a couple of minutes ago, so she knew for fact that they had it.

Ten minutes later and Basil is leaving with a gigantic smile on his face and complimentary cat food for the trouble.

“Thanks… Case,” Joey mutters, staring at nothing in particular on the tiled floor.

“Yeah, no problem,” Casey says, smiling tightly before vanishing down an aisle.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys wanna know a secret? o:

I always pre-write at least four chapters ahead so in case things pop up during the week where I can't type at all.... I'm prepared.

ps. check out this story that I'm co-working with NikkiNicholls on: Don't Get Lost in Heaven.
Oli Sykes ficton. <: