‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Twenty-Three

seven months later

“Yeh two still haven’t ‘ad sex yet?” Matt asks, completely baffled.

Oliver shrugs, giving him a half-hearted smirk and absently fumbling with the Xbox controller, keeping his attention focused on Call of Duty.

Matt rumbles with laughter, “I’d ‘ave tapped tha’ the second day!”

“At least I know she isn’t jus’ in it for the sex,” Oliver snapped.

“Woah, okay. I ge’ it,” There is a long silence before Matt speaks up again, “Yeh know, m’proud of yeh, Oli. You deserved someone betta’ an’ yeah… Sorry, m’not very good at ‘feel good’ speeches, but yeh catch my drift?”

“Yeah,” Oliver gives a half smile, nudges Matt with his shoulder and both continue playing Zombies.


“I’m glad you two haven’t had sex,” Caleb grunts from his placement at the kitchen counter, “I hate him.”

“Why do you hate him?” Jayde asks before Casey can say a word.

“Because… he’s stupid,” Caleb mumbles.

“That is a really childish answer,” Jayde says, rolling her eyes, “Now, Casey, I really am glad you and Oliver are waiting, it will prove more substance in the relationship. Also, he seems like he’s definitely made a three-sixty since his… cocaine addiction. I really believe he wants to become a better person.”

Casey shrugs, “Yeah, Oli is a big sweetheart. I’d be crushed if anything happened to him or between us.” Chum is curled up on the floor by Casey’s foot, she bends over to scratch him behind the ears, “But… sometimes I get this gut feeling that his, um, ex-girlfriend is gonna come back and take him away from me, and like… he’ll pick her over me, you know?”

Jayde was shaking her head before Casey was done speaking, “No, I don’t think he will leave you, because he wouldn’t have taken the time to find you to begin with.”

Casey nodded, and suddenly started giggling, “For our six month he took me go-kart racing and I sucked so bad, I swear he let me win on purpose. After that he took me to a small Italian restaurant and this group of teenagers kept staring at us. So once we got our food, Oliver started chucking my meatballs at them. One of them hit this poor boy right in the eye! I never laughed so hard in my life. We ended up ditching before anyone called the cops, but…”

Her voice lowered and she stared down at her hands, “He promised me something that night… that he would never hurt me on purpose, and he would do anything to make me happy. Even if it meant he had to leave for that to happen.”

“Is that why you’re worried?”

“Yep, pretty much.”

Jayde started clapping and Casey gave her a confused stare, even Caleb was giving her a strange look, “Bravo for Oliver! He must really care about you if he said something like that.”

Casey started laughing, “I love you, Jay.”

“I love you, too, and stop worrying, okay?”

“Alright, thank you.” Casey grins and gives Jayde a tight hug.
♠ ♠ ♠
Because I love you all so muuuch<3
I posted another chapter.((: