‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Twenty-Four

two days later

Oliver stared down at his bowl of peaches, pushing them around with a fork until they made sloshy, wet noises. He missed Casey a lot and couldn’t wait to surprise her after work. Him and his band mates had just gotten back from two and a half weeks of touring. Soon they would start longer trips, even going back to Europe, and Oliver really hoped that Casey would want to go with. He wanted her to meet his mum and dad, plus he missed them, and so did Tom.

He wandered around his apartment while eating the slimy fruit, trying to distract himself since he was becoming impatient. Just before he was going to grab his keys to drive to Casey’s work, a knock interrupts his action. Oliver wondered who could possibly be here since Matt and Tom were off drinking at a bar and Jona and Matt Kean were hanging at Jona’s flat, probably smoking a bong and slamming back beers.

Opening the door, Oliver’s chest started tingling and his head felt flimsy at the sight before him.

His hand is frozen on the door handle as he stares down at Rose.


Casey is practically vibrating with excitement and she bustles around cheerily helping people.

Even when two customers were arguing with each other and tried to place the blame on her for something she didn’t do, she handled it with elated happiness. Her cheery nature caused the two customer’s to stop bickering and placing blame and they ended up smiling, even laughing, at their idiocy. They apologized for their behavior and left like nothing had happened, they also each bought two bags of groceries.

“What’re you so excited about?” Marissa asked, grinning from ear to ear.

“My boyfriend is finally coming home,” Casey replied, she almost jumped up and down while she said it but she saved herself from the embarrassment. They were both restocking the pasta aisle, Marissa opening large brown boxes and Casey refilling the shelves.

“Really?” Marissa said, handing her a handful of small, long boxes filled with angel hair spaghetti noodles, “How long has he been gone?”

“Almost a month, but it feels like two years,” Casey admitted, grabbing the items and setting them on the shelf.

“What band is he in?”

“Bring Me the Horizon, ever heard of them?”

“Uh… Yeah, I have actually. My friend is like in love with the lead singer. She thinks he is so cute,” Marissa chuckles, totally ignorant of the fact that that ‘lead singer’ is Casey’s boyfriend.

Casey suddenly feels a twinge of jealousy but bites it back, “Oh, well, he’s my boyfriend. His name is Oliver.” She smiles as she says his name, though Marissa can’t see the action, and a flood of renewed excitement fills her system.

“Oh! Oh my God, I am so sorry,” Marissa says nervously, standing up and pressing her arms to her sides. Casey turns around, the girl seems genuinely upset, “If I had known…”

“It’s okay,” Casey says, and smiles reassuringly.

“I mean, my friend knows he has a girlfriend and I never actually paid any attention to what he looks like and for some reason I didn’t connect what your boyfriend looks like to the band singer and I am so so sorry!” Marissa said this all in one exhausted breath.

“Really, it’s okay Marissa!” Casey is practically on the floor falling apart laughing. She gives the nervous girl a hug and says, “It’s alright, I’m not mad. I have to become more accepting of stuff like that anyway. There are always going to be girls who crush on him. So might as well get used to it now, you know?”

Marissa nods and lets out a sigh of relief, “Casey, you are the nicest person I have ever met.”

Casey starts to blush, “Well… thanks.”
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