‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Twenty-Six

Casey started to get worried, Oliver would have texted or called by now and it was already six o’clock. She had gotten out of work at three and expected him to be waiting for her outside, but to her disappointment, he wasn’t there. She didn’t want to seem desperate or clingy so she waited for another hour, but still nothing. It wasn’t like him, even during touring he was always eagerly texting her every chance he got and would call her as soon as he was free to.

“Tom, have you heard anything from Oliver?”

“Mm, no, ‘e was supposed to go to your work though, to surprise yeh, ‘e didn’t?”

“No, I’m really worried, he hasn’t called or texted, nothing.” The panic began to rise the more she talked to Tom over the phone and didn’t gain any results on his whereabouts, “I’m stopping by his apartment, alright?”

“Aye, Matt an’ I will be leavin’ in ten,” Tom replied.

“Okay, see you,” Casey was already hanging up the phone when Tom said ‘good bye’. Her stomach felt like it was on fire, if what Tom said is true, which it undoubtedly is, then there was something terribly wrong.

Driving didn’t feel fast enough and she practically crashed the door open, which was unlocked.

Oliver!” Casey’s mouth went dry as she ran over to him and gently grabbed his right hand, “Oli… Oli please, please don’t be dead.” His hand felt chill, but not deathly chill. Tears began rolling uncontrollably down her cheeks and they splattered on the wood floor and on Oliver’s forehead.

“Aye…” He croaked, “No cryin’…”

“Oh my God, you’re alive,” She practically leapt out of her skin with joy, her heart soared with happiness, “Thank God, thank God.” Casey dug around for her cell phone in one of her pockets and dialed for nine-one-one, shortly after that she called Tom, “You need to get here now.”

Matt and Tom were there ten minutes before the ambulance arrived.

Casey could hardly be pulled away from Oliver’s side, her fingers wrapped intensely around his hand, and he gently rubbed her cheek once he was freed. The tears were still rolling down without any concern even after the ambulance took him away.

“Don’ worry, Casey,” Matt said gently, pulling her into a hug. Tom came up from the rear and embraced both of them, “He’ll be okay. ‘E’s a tough bloke.”

“I should have went with,” She choked out.

“No, yeh need a breather, we’ll leave in fifteen minutes to the ‘ospital. We want ‘im to settle in, yeah?”

Casey nodded half-heartedly, suddenly feeling extremely tired. She gripped Tom and Matt’s hands and stared at the soft green grass under their feet. Honestly, if it weren’t for them being here, she wouldn’t have known what to do with herself.


Casey brushes the tips of her fingers on his forearm, lightly tracing the tattoos there. Since her, Matt’s and Tom’s arrival four hours ago, she hasn’t left his side. She is too terrified that something will go wrong with him. Jayde and Caleb had visited for about an hour while Matt and Tom went off to go get some food and feed Chum. Eventually Caleb started prodding Jayde to leave so Casey could have some alone time with Oliver.

“Babe,” Oliver manages to mumble out through swollen lips. He can just make out her figure sitting beside the bed and he reaches out to touch her cheek.

She catches his hand and kisses the inside of his palm, “Oli… you should sleep some more.”

“Mo,” He grunted defiantly, “I missth yeh.”

Casey rolls her eyes, there was no point in arguing with him. So instead she changed the subject, “I missed you, too, lovey. How was touring?”

“It’sth wash good,” He replied, attempting to smile even though it hurt him like hell.

“Oliver! Don’t sit up, you have two ribs broken and a punctured lung,” Her throat began to contrict as she said this. Chewing on her bottom lip, Casey bowed her head and stared at her hands which were gripping the side of the bed.

He did as he was told, Oliver knew he was pushing it already by refusing to sleep, but he wants to see her so bad that he is willing to endure the discomfort. If only to talk to her for a couple minutes and adoringly gaze on her face would be satisfaction enough.

“I loth yeh, Casethy.”

“What?” She looks up at him, wiping at the tears threatening to fall.

Oliver swallows back a wad of saliva and attempts to speak more clearly and manages to, “I love yeh, Casey.”

“Oh,” Her mind freezes, even though they have been together for seven months, neither one of them have admitted this to each other. Casey has been feeling it for awhile, but she refused to say it first, something in her gut told her to wait. Now that the door has been opened for her to say it in return, the words can’t seem to climb their way out of her mouth.

“Mr. Sykes, we need you to rest now,” A nurse came in smiling and rested a gentle hand on Casey’s shoulder, “Mrs. Sykes, you can see him tomorrow, okay?”

“Um, I’m not-”

“G’night, love,” Oliver smiled again, the smarting being forced to the back of his mind. He didn’t expect Casey to say it back, but he wanted her to know in case anything happened to him that he truly does love her.

“Night, Oli,” Casey leaned down, kissed him on the brow and left with a final wave.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter and Peach is done.

))))'x <-- this is how I feel, really. I don't care if it's corny fuhsfhfhrwhh

I'm dramatic sorry... but I love this story so much, and it would be nothing without you guys and I feel like I'm losing a family once I'm finished with this.