‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Two

Her wish had been fulfilled. There had been no sign of Pale Fish and/or Seductress Fish for about three months now, not that she was keeping track. Just mental notes, of course.

Though Casey admittedly feels stupid upon looking for him outside of work, and even hoping he would show up at her dull job; asking for canned peaches again or possibly setting another huge bag of them before her. It had almost grown into a slight obsession, but maybe more of a habit of glancing around, searching. It did give her something to do and, oh my, look forward to.

But no, same old fish, all swimming past her in a frenzied rush. All of them blurry faces, unrecognizable faces. Thank you, come again. Have a nice day. Good night nurse.

Casey really isn’t the type of girl who would outwardly hunt someone down, oh no, she’s much too shy to do something as bold as that. It’s not like she wants to go all Stephen King “Misery” on him, but she is curious about him.

Who is Pale Fish? Why does he like fruit that look like butts? Why did Seductress Fish have such a cruel smile?

At home, Casey prodded these questions while she poked absentmindedly at her bland bowl of Happy-O’s and idly sipped her huge glass of milk. She started hoping that one of these days she would bump into him at the park while picking up her blue-heeler Chum’s poop. She shoved a spoonful of cereal in her mouth, the whole-wheat gritty against her tongue, she cringed and began to munch.

The television abruptly blipped on and Casey gawked wide eyed at the screen.

There he is.

Pale Fish.

She stood up, almost knocking over her chair. Chum quickly and nervously jumped off the couch, feeling guilty for laying on the remote, and in fear of getting in trouble for it. Ignoring him, Casey swiftly moves closer, her nose inches away from the screen. The man she had been searching everyday, and inconspicuously for, was vividly dotted on the screen in vibrant colors and movement.

And also being carted off to rehab.

In big, bold black letters his name scrolled before her.

That is when Casey Wolton learns who her customer Pale Fish is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter. >: