‹ Prequel: Popping Cherries
Sequel: Polaroid Cancer
Status: Complete. c:

Peach Cocaine

Chapter Six


Casey hates Monday’s almost as much as she hates peaches, and that’s saying quite a bit since she hates those butt shaped fruit.

Thankfully it is her hour break for lunch. She opens up the wrapping around her Subway turkey sub slathered in mayonnaise and littered with fresh, crunchy lettuce. Casey giggles to herself when she realizes how much of a sales pitch that sounds in her head. Her stomach rumbles loudly at the sight of it, interrupting her laugh. Turning up the stereo in her car, she mows down on the sandwich and it is beginning to feel like today will turn out to be a pretty okay day.

A few bites in and a rap on the window causes her to almost choke on some turkey. Casey struggles to roll down the window partly, and turn down the volume, as her eyes start to water.

“Hey, Case,” Joey’s voice makes her skin crawl, he’s the only person she knows that calls her that, “Oh, sorry, didn’t notice you eating!”

It’s only my lunch break, you nimrod, Casey rolls her eyes as she takes another daring mouthful of the sub.

“Er, anyway,” He pauses feeling awkward, stupid and not knowing where to begin, “I have something to ask…” His eyes grow bright, hoping she’d say something.

Again, more eye rolling and a slight cough/laugh spasm from Casey.

Not receiving the hopeful glance, or encouraging reply he was expecting, he continued miserably, “Will… will you go on a date with me tonight?”

Casey suddenly began choking. She covered her mouth with her hand to keep bits of food from flying out and spattering on Joey’s face. All she could imagine now is chunks of pale turkey and half-eaten lettuce running down his cheeks. Casey gagged again.

“You okay?” Joey stared wide-eyed. He sort of began looking like a tomato.

“Oh, yes!” Casey smiles, “Just… um, food went down the wrong tube. You know how that is?”

“Uh, uh yeah. Totally!”

“Anyway, we’ll see. There’s someone else…”

“O-oh, well,” Joey’s face goes blank for a second. Not used to being rejected by a girl, probably ever in his life, his pride literally has fallen on the parking lot.

Casey shrugs indifferently, “Sorry, Joe.”

Without saying anything, he meanders away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Be prepared for Joey later. Just sayin'.

Thank you for my precious comments, by the way.<3