I Set My Clocks Early Cause I Know I'm Always Late.

Do you know who I am? Good, neither do I.

I looked up into Brendon’s chocolate eyes. I could feel my irises quivering as a tear fell from my eyes scuttling down the side of my head. Brendon got down on one knee, and lent his face towards my ear.

“Pete won’t be here to save you this time.”

I flinched when he kissed one of the rolling tears off my face. He got up with the same smirk plastered on his face. A faint sound of footsteps could be heard, with every step the taps became louder. I looked up at Brendon again, with hopeless pleading eyes. Brendon’s grin grew upon seeing my pitiful state.
The taps paused. My eyes wandered to the night sky that was sprinkled with stars.

“Oh, well…what is this we have here?” A male’s voice said tauntingly
“She was in the back of The Hunter’s car.” Brendon replied.

“Was she now?” The man knelt down, his face hovered above mine. I couldn’t help but admire his beauty. I felt my cheeks grow hotter. His gloved hand caressed my cheek. “Come on beautiful, sit up.” His body shifted, his other hand grabbed one of mine and he helped pull me up. The man raised his hand and wiped the wetness under my eyes. I shuddered at his touch.

“Please don’t kill me.” I muttered.

“Oh sweetheart, kill you? I couldn’t hurt such a beauty like you.” He said tenderly. I felt the blood rush to my face. “You don’t need to fear me.”

Another sob left my mouth. “I just want to go home.” More tears escaped.

“Oh, hush hush hush.” The man pulled my head into his chest, and begun to gently stroke my hair. “Don’t cry love.”

I felt myself weeping uncontrollably into the man’s torso. The man pulled my face from his chest, a hand either side of my face. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. “Now love, can you tell me why you were in that car?”

I nodded softly. “Patrick told me to stay in there, probably to keep me from getting hurt in all that chaos.” I mumbled.

The man let out a chuckle. “Hmmm, is that what you think?”

I screwed up my face. “What do you mean?”

The man smirked. “What I mean is that, those Hunters aren’t people to trust.”

“And you are?” I shot back. My miserable emotions were quickly turning into frustration and anger. I just wanted to be home.

“That’s for you to decide love.” He paused for a moment. “Oh! How rude of me. I haven’t introduced myself have I?” He picked up one of my hands and raised it to his lips. “William Beckett. And you are?”

My whole face heated up, I could tell I had gone red. I felt like a little girl with a crush, but I couldn’t help myself. There was something about him that was so charming. I snapped back to reality when his fangs became exposed from his smile. I ripped my hand from his.

“Don’t touch me.” I spat. “You don’t need to know my name.”

“Her name is Sarah Milani sir.” Brendon butt in.

William’s head whipped around to Brendon. “Oh, acquaintances are we?”

“You could say that.” Brendon replied.

William’s gaze shifted back to me. “So tell me. How do you know Pete?”

I looked away from him. I stayed silent. I didn’t want to participant in his little games any longer. I didn’t need to answer to him.

William’s cold hand grabbed my chin, and pulled it forcefully so I was looking at him. “Look, tell me what I need to know, and I’ll let you go. I swear.” He smiled at me. “I’m a man of my word. Trust me. So, how do you know Pete?”

“He saved me from a Vampire attack last night.”

William smirked at me. “Pete saved you? Well that’s out of his character.” William bent his head down to my neck and took in a deep breath. “Although, I can’t blame him. You smell divine.”

Instinctively I pushed his face away from his neck. “There, I’ve given you what you’ve wanted. Can I go now?”


“But, but I gave you what you wanted! You swore!” He merely grinned at me.

“First rule you should know. You should never trust a Vampire.” My breathing hitched. I should have known.

“Why do you want me?”

“Pete wants you, and that’s enough reason to want you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm really iffy about this chapter. I reckon I'll re-write it later on.
But yes, here's Beckett. Oh I love him so much <3
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