I Set My Clocks Early Cause I Know I'm Always Late.

We don't fight fair.

Pete’s P.O.V

William’s footsteps could be heard outside the room we were in, the door handle turned and he stepped in as the door opened along with a few other Dandies, including Brendon. I decided against leaping up and beating the shit out of him.

“Hello Peter.” William stood on the other side of the room to me. I could smell Sarah all over him.

I replied with a low growl. William smirked. As William stepped closer to me, the smell of Sarah got stronger and so did my blood lust. I hadn’t drunk the serum in hours, and I was getting hungry again. My breathing was getting heavier. William tauntingly laughed at me.

“Hungry are we Peter?” He lent down so he was face to face with me. “You know, I found someone with the most heavenly smelling blood. You’re already familiar with her aren’t you?” He smirked. “Since when have you become the knight in shining armour?”

You don’t know how hard it was for me to resist smashing the smirk off his face. I didn’t reply again.

“Oh, the silent treatment. Fine fine Peter. If that’s how you want to play; I’ll just leave you in here, starving, with three of your human friends.” He retreated himself from my face, and spun around towards the door.

I growled again. He got me. Once I was hungry enough, I would lose control of my body and whether they were my friends or not, I would suck them dry. I couldn’t bear the thought. I waved the white flag. It’s not like I had much information on her anyway.

“What do you want to know?”

Sarah’s P.O.V

I smashed my fist against the door and hollered. “I need to use the bathroom!” I ignored the searing pain in my hand. “Hello!” The do suddenly unlocked and swung open. My obnoxious behaviour quickly stopped when I was face to face with another well dressed vampire.

“What?!” He seethed in my face.

I swallowed the bile in my throat. “I just need to use the bathroom.”

He let out an agitated sigh. “Follow me.” He whipped around and I trailed behind him. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that the corridor split into two trails. Perfect. As the man in front of me carried on walking forward, I quickly took the path that turned left.

I ran. I didn’t know where I was going, I just ran in hopes I would find some sort of escape from this place. I could hear a voice screaming “Hey, stop!” the footsteps closely lingering behind mine. I turned the corner to be greeted with some stairs leading downwards.

Pete’s P.O.V

William turned back to me with a grin. “Good choice Peter.” He started to walk back and forth in front of me. “Why did you save her, hmm? Pretty out of the ordinary on your part.”
“She was getting attacked by a couple of your men, I happened to be there at the time. I wasn’t just going let her die in the hands of a Dandy.”

“Oh, but Pete. I’m fully aware that you know we don’t all have that serum you use; you know we need human blood to survive, and you haven’t stopped us feeding before. So why that night? Why her?”

Not even I myself knew how to answer that question. I don’t know why I went out of my way to save that girl, and I don’t know why I even brung her back to the warehouse. There was just something special about her, and I wanted her to get better, I wanted her to be safe. I could feel myself getting angry and frustrated.

“I don’t know!” I bellowed.

That’s when the familiar sweet smell reached my nostrils and I could feel the rapid heartbeat. William must have smelt I too, his eyes grew wide. “How did she get out of that room?” William seethed.

“All of you stay here; I and Brendon have some business to attend to.” Both Brendon and William swiftly left the room leaving us with several dandies.

I, Andy, Joe and Patrick all looked at each other all thinking the same thing. The Dandies looked at us, fear stricken. They knew what we were capable of, and without their ‘master’ around they knew we would kick their asses.

Sarah’s P.O.V

I was in a room, my back to the door and my heart racing. I literally ran into the closest room when I saw both William and Brendon down the end of the hallway. Least to say, William looked pissed. I always chose the wrong time to be brave. I could hear the taps of the Vampire’s shoe’s coming closer and closer to the room I was in. I quickly retreated from the door, and scanned the room for somewhere to hide. I saw a wooden closet in the corner of the room.

I scurried towards the wardrobe, flung it open and hopped in. I contorted my body to fit in the small area and reached to shut the door. I felt so pathetic sitting in the dark compact space. I heard the door of the room swing open.

“Hmmm, I wonder where she could be!” William’s voice taunted. I bit my lip trying to ease my raspy breathing. His footsteps where getting louder, and then they paused. There was silence.

The doors of my little chamber were flung open.

“Boo.” William grabbed me and ripped me away and pushed me against the cold stone wall. My screams were eradicated when Williams’s gloved hand slammed against my mouth. His body was pressed against mine. “That was a really stupid stunt you pulled.” He looked me square in the eyes.

There was a thump that caught both mine and William’s attention. Brendon’s body lay unconscious on the floor, Pete towering over him. Andy, Joe and Patrick stood behind Pete. William was stunned; he growled and threw me at Pete.

“You got lucky Peter. Now get out.” He sniggered. “You might want to hurry up, the sun is set to rise soon.”

With that Pete grabbed my hand and we all ran out of the hellish place.
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MEH. Okay I'm not really liking this one, but whateverrrr
I hope you enjoyed it though :)
Thank you for the comments and subscriptions guys <3 xx