Status: Active.

Hear Me

Thirty- Seven

I'm awake when my mom comes to get me up.

Like usual.

I follow my normal morning routine.

I really hate change.

When I hear a honk coming from the driveway I frown.

This can't be good.

Mom gets the door.

God, you must hate me.

Stephen's standing there with a smile.

I really want to throw my coffee at him.

He greets me and asks me if I'm ready for school yet.

I'm capable of getting there on my own.

I stare at him.

No conversing with the enemy.

He smiles once more and motions for me to get up.

He's offering me a ride to school.

I sigh but get up and follow him out.

This is not my normal routine.

I don't like it one bit.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thanks to all you usual commenters, I'm hoping I can get some new ones? :D