Status: Active.

Hear Me

Fifty- Nine

Group today was interesting.

I didn't enjoy it.

The last few times we discussed people who have impacted our lives.

I talked about Stephen.

Today. we were told to call them.

To talk to them about us.

Aaron talked to his dad.

About how broken their family has become.

I called Stephen.

He talked.

I wanted to say so much.

And now, I want to say so much morre.

But I missed my chance.

I just listened to him talk

Falling back into the silent treatment that I don't miss.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got a new laptop. :)

But school starts soon and my schedule is BUSY.
You see, I need to get 23 credits to graduate.
I am going to be a junior and I'm taking 6 classes to get me 7 credits (one of them is like a multiple skills class), and truthfully, this may be my most difficult year so updating is still going to be iffy.

So sorry, guys. Please stick with me.

I'll still post things. Maybe one-shots. Whatever I think of.

Maybe another story............

