Give My Heart To Him

Chapter 6

How could my vision ever be real? It seemed like a different world.

There were bright colors everywhere, but I was not outdoors. Or so it seemed. When I looked above me, I saw a brick ceiling, but when I looked around me, it appeared as though I was outside. Almost like a pavilion, but there were no pillars that held up the ceiling. It puzzled me, but I didn’t linger on the fact. I was too busy watching the other…people? They were like the people in my dream before, but they didn’t seem so normal as they had then. They had the old fashioned clothes, black hair, translucent skin, and golden eyes as before, but this time, they were wearing beaded circlets and crowns. And their hair was pinned back from their faces, so I could see their ears. They had pointed ears, like elves. That’s what they were, I realized. Elves. But they were not the only people around me. There were also people about half my height, yet they seemed fully grown. The odd thing about them was that their skin was unnatural colors. There were three ubiquitous colors: purple, green, and blue. However, I saw some pink people. There were some people about twice my height, and there were horns growing out of their heads. They must be minotaurs. They were wearing some sort of blue armor. Then there were…faeries? They were about a foot shorter than me, and hovered a few inches off the ground. They were beating nearly transparent wings, wings that looked like butterfly wings. They wore pastel colors, the girls in sundresses, and the guys in…armor? And there were other types of creatures as well, giant eagles and giant lions, and other unnatural animals. Everyone was flitting around, seeming to prepare for something. Then I saw their weapons. The elves were carrying swords. The unnaturally colored people carried pikes. The minotaurs were carrying maces. And the faeries were holding bows and arrows. They were preparing for war.

No one saw me, as was the normal in my visions. Normally my visions carried a message, but this one seemed to have no message. That was, until I was suddenly far away from the crowd. I must have been half a mile away. I looked around me and saw a group of horsemen, about twenty or so. They were watching the people down by the pavilion-like area. I studied the people around me. They were elves, I realized, when I saw their pointed ears. But they were not like the other elves. Their clothes were much darker and morbid than the ones the other elves wore. Their faces showed no signs that they ever smiled, and they gave off an aura of hatred and death. Even their horses seemed cruel. The horses were pitch black, and their hooves the color of coal. There were two people on horses that stood out to me. One was a man, the same man from my earlier dream, wearing grey armor and a pitch black cloak. He had several knives on him that I could see, and two swords strapped to his back. His face had a cruel expression on it. Around his head was a black crown. The other was a woman. She wore the same as the man, but her cloak was a deep wine color, and her obvious weapon of choice was a bow and arrow. As I watched, she turned to the man.

“This war would have been easily won if you hadn’t decided to mate with a mortal seventeen years ago,” she said coldly.

“I know what I did was wrong, but that mortal was beautiful, and just begging for what I did,” he said in the same emotionless tone.

“Well, you should’ve noticed that the Seelie Court had claimed her. Then we could’ve killed her, and this war wouldn’t still be going on,” she said.

“I did not expect Titania to claim an Unseelie half-fae. They rarely claim Seelie half-fae, why would I have expected her to claim and Unseelie one? Its unprecedented. And I did not expect that bounty hunter to find her. I had placed certain concealment charms on her, because of her royal blood. He should not have been able to find her, unless she wanted him to. And I did not expect what she would choose. You cannot blame this on me; you did not expect any of this to happen either,” he replied.

“Well now we need to get rid of her,” she replied.

I did not hear the man’s response before my vision ended. I was pulled back to the present.

What had I just seen? It was so unreal. “Faeries, minotaurs, and elves don’t exist. Faeries, minotaurs, and elves don’t exist. Faeries, minotaurs, and elves don’t exist,” I repeated it like a mantra.

Then I remembered what I was doing before the vision. I shook my head in an attempt to clear the vision from my mind. It didn’t work, but I picked up the phone anyways. I called for pizza. I ordered plain cheese pizza, because I figured everyone liked cheese pizza.

I walked downstairs, still thinking about my vision. The elves in particular. They all had dark hair, pale skin, and gold eyes. Lucian also had dark hair, pale skin, and gold eyes. Did that mean Lucian was an elf? I almost laughed at myself. Elves don’t exist…but I was still curious to find out. The elves all had pointed ears. I had never seen Lucian’s ears…. Oh well. I didn’t dwell on the fact.

When we got the pizza, we ate it and talked. We talked about anything and everything and nothing. It seemed we had only been talking for minutes when Lucian’s phone rang. “Lucian here,” he answered.

The person on the other end loudly said, “Look at the time.”

Lucian’s head snapped up and looked at the clock on the wall. I looked as well. It was ten P.M.

“Shit. I’ll be there in five,” he said, then hanging up the phone.

“I have to go, I promised an old friend I’d meet him at nine thirty. I shouldn’t have stayed so long. See you tomorrow, Ava,” he said, putting his shoes back on.

“Bye,” I said. He smiled at me once more before walking out the door.

Since it was already ten P.M., I decided to take a bath before heading to bed. I changed from my clothes into my black bathrobe. Then I started filling the giant bathtub. I put some lavender bubble bath in it as well, since lavender was the only bubble bath scent I liked. As I waited for the bathtub to be filled, I got my iPod. I made a quick playlist of the softest Blood On The Dance Floor songs I had. I put “Lovestruck,” “Believe,” and “I’m What Dreams Are Made Of” on the list. Then I added “My Immortal” by Evanescence and “The Only Exception” by Paramore for good measure. I was in a good mood, so it was all soft, lovey dovey songs. Once the bathtub was filled, I turned my iPod on and let myself soak in the warm water while I listened to Dahvie and Jayy sing about being lovestruck.

After several songs had gone by, I decided I was wrinkled enough by the water, and it was time to get out. I pulled myself out of the tub and put a towel around me. Then I drained the bathtub. I combed through my hair quickly, since I was getting tired. When it hung straight to my shoulders and there were no knots, I walked down the hall to my room. I switched from my towel to a pair of grey short shorts and a black tank top that said “F*** Fun” on it. Then I climbed between the covers of my bed and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm clock ringing its normal beeping tone, since I had forgotten to plug in my iPod last night. I slammed my hand down on the snooze button. I didn’t want to get up. But I knew I had to, so after the third time it went off, I pulled myself out of bed and started getting around. I put a plain black v-neck shirt on and some black skinny jeans. I felt like breathing today, so I didn’t wear a corset. Instead, I put about eight or so silver chains of varying lengths around my neck. Then I put a pair of long grey fingerless gloves on my arms. I did my hair and makeup as usual, aside from a thin line of green sparkles I put just above my eyelashes. I put a green hair bow in my hair as well. Then I went to the bus stop.

“Hello emo fag,” Stacy welcomed me when I reached the bus stop.

I gave her the finger. “F*ck off Stacy. I don’t want to deal with your shit today,” I said. Actually, I was too happy about being Lucian’s girlfriend to let her insults make my mood worse.

“Whatever. I just think you should know, me and your new boyfriend had a very good time last night,” she said. That made my mood worse.

That had to be a lie. Lucian wasn’t that kind of person…but he did leave last night suddenly. “You’re lying,” I told her, but I was unsure.

“Oh, so he is your boyfriend now?” she said, clearly amused.

“As a matter of fact, I am,” Lucian said, pulling up to the curb in his car. “And now I’m giving my girlfriend a ride to school.”

Stacy’s face was priceless. She had a shocked expression on her face. I got in the passenger side of Lucian’s car, and we waved at her as we pulled away. Then we cracked up.

“Did you see her face?” I said through my laughter.

“Yeah, that’s why I’m laughing,” he said, still laughing.

“I think she was shocked that anyone would like someone like me,” I said, suddenly sad.

Lucian noticed the change in my mood. “Well, I like you,” he said. Then he took my hand and squeezed it.

I smiled. “I like you too,” I replied.

Soon enough we were at school. When we got there, there was a surprise waiting for us. Well, more of a surprise for everyone, but Lucian seemed the most surprised.

There was a guy standing by the entrance to the school. He was leaning against the wall, obviously waiting for something. He looked like he could be Lucian’s twin. They had the same dark hair, pale skin, and golden eyes. Except this guy’s hair was a bit longer, going to his shoulders in a style I’m sure was started by a rockstar. He was wearing all black clothes and a leather jacket. He had his eyebrow pierced and somehow, he looked very familiar to me, although I’m sure if I had seen someone like this, I would remember him.

Lucian looked surprised the second he saw him. He parked quickly and we got out of the car.

“What are you doing here?” Lucian asked him.

“You asked me to come, remember? Or did you forget because of what happened afterwards?” the guy said.

Lucian’s eyebrows pulled together, and I could tell he was trying to remember something. Then his eyes widened, signaling he had remembered. “Sorry, I forgot,” he said. Then he clasped the guy’s arm and did the gladiator handshake with him.

Then the guy asked, “So this is Ava?”

I answered him. “Yeah.”

“My name is Roman, pleased to meet you,” he said. Then he held out his hand.

I shook his hand. Then the bell that signaled the beginning of homeroom rang.

“We better get to class,” Lucian said, and we parted ways.