Status: writing:)

Happy Birthday

Chapters are boring ;)

Today was the day. Id been dreading this day for a while now. I've been ignoring Cameron since that dreadful day and I think he's starting to catch on now...I think. "Hey Cammy!" Cameron came up from behind and hugged me. "Hi Cam." and I pulled him off of me. "Ok. I can't take this anymore. Why are you ignoring me?!?" He stared right into my eyes. His hands on my arms. Dang. He's beautiful. "Because! Because..." "Because WHAT?" He stared me down. "Because I thought you were gonna ask me to go with you. And I was all excited." I stared at my feet. "DANG! I'm so stupid!" Cameron looked so shocked. "Look." I said to him. It was time I truly told him my feelings. I couldn't take it any longer. "Look. I really like you but I don't really think you like me...THAT way." I paused. I'm so stupid. What am I thinking? Selena is a gorgeous bitch. Cameron stared at me with sincere eyes waiting for me to continue. I took s breath. "Ya know what. No. You go with Selena. She beautiful and talented and everything I'm not. You two would have a great time toget-" I was stopped by his lips crashing onto mine.
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PLEASE DON'T KILL ME but I kinda forgot about Mibba. A couple days ago I remembered this beautiful place and decided to continue my story :) Stay gorgeous ;) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! <3