Status: Active.

London Beckons

“Katty!” he gushes, grinning ear-to-ear. I manage a weak smile as he bounds over to me and wraps his arms around me. For some reason, his embrace isn’t nearly as romantic as I was anticipating. No, his intentions are merely out of friendliness. As I let this sink in, I’m suddenly tempted to rip out all of his hair by the roots. Just as soon as the opportunity presents itself, it slips away as he pulls apart.

“Vanessa, this is Kat,” he introduces me.

When Kat is offered a full-scholarship at one of London's most prestigious universities, the choice is already made up. But this means she'll be living within shouting distance of Ivan, her ex-boyfriend as of two years who she can't seem to get over, and his blond bomb shell of an English girlfriend. Will she end up killing the two of them or learn to live with the fact that her once-romance with Ivan is dead? It's up to Kat to decide what to make of her experience.