Walking Without Notice

I cannot breathe.
I cannot speak aloud.
I am not seen.
I am a ghost, observing the horrible world I have lived in for far too long.
It's crashing down around me and since I am but light as air, I can only tell you about it in hopes that you will do something greater.
This is an SOS.

My eyes change colors, and apparently that's against the law.
I could step outside and die.
I don't obey the rules, and I don't expect you to understand.
But I expect you to listen to me when I tell you something big is about to go down.
And it's going on right below the ground you're standing on.
Are you ready?

Congratulations to you if you can sing, write, act...
But If you can carry a gun, you're more than useful.
And if you can read my mind,
you're dead.