Status: Complete

What Doesn't Die


“JOHNNY!” Jimmy yelled as he ran around the park like a maniac. I sat underneath a tree with Emma.

It's crazy, we have been here at the park for about an hour now and I have talked to Emma the entire time, I can't help but feel like I have known her my whole life. It's different with her, I am slowing coming to understand that I never really loved Allison, I only thought I did.
It's insane but I feel like I could spend my whole life with Emma. We like the same things, she makes me smile.

“Earth to Brian.” Johnny said, snapping me from my thoughts.

“What?” I asked, looking over to see if Emma was still next to me.

“Me and Matt are going to see if we can get some alcohol, do you guys want any?”

“Wait, you guys are underage, how are you going to get alcohol?” Emma asked.

“Never underestimate us.” Johnny said.

I leaned over and whispered to Emma, “Do you want anything?”

She looked at me for a minute then she spoke, “As long as you promise to keep me safe.”

Wow, she already trusted me, that just inflated my ego.

“I promise.”

“Johnny, get us something, I don't care what, just something.”

“Okay!” he yelled.

I looked over at Emma and she was looking at me weird.

“JOHNNY! DON'T LEAVE ME!” I heard Jimmy yelled, I looked around for him and saw nothing.

Then out of nowhere Jimmy landed on top of me. He didn't even say anything as he got up and took off running after Johnny.

“Are you okay?” Emma asked.

“Yeah, but I couldn't tell you if Jimmy is okay.” I said with a laugh

“I like him, I like all of your friends.” she said looking at me.

“Yeah, they are great.” We sat there in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence at all, it was a comfortable silence. I was staring at the sky and thinking of how just this morning I didn't want to come to school, but I put on a brave face and came anyway. Had I stayed home I would probably have never met Emma.

“What happened to the other guy?” Emma asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“What other guy?”


“It's a long story.” I said looking at the ground, it's not that I didn't want to talk about it, I just don't think now is a good time to have the EX talk.

“I've got time.”

“When you first meet someone do you tell them everything about you?” I asked.

“No, but I can tell that your not just someone” she said, she started looking around like she was looking for someone.

“Who are you looking for?” I asked.

“My friend, did she even come with us.” Emma replied.

“To be honest, I have no clue.” I said.

“oh, well. Now are you gonna answer my question now?”

“Okay, well do you remember seeing me around with a girl?”

“Yeah, Allie, she is great.” Crap, she knows Allison, well I know one of two things is going to happen. One, she is going to freak out and hate Allison or Two, she won't believe me.

“Well, we dated for like our entire lives and then I got in a fist fight with her dad and then we got in a fight and broke up.” I said

“Keep going.” she said.

“Well, I was hold up in my house for like a week and Jimmy came over and told me that she was with some guy. So I went over to her house and saw her with Zacky. She told me that she and Zacky have been messing around behind my back for a while now.”

“So, did you and Zack get in a fight?” she asked.

“Yeah, we did.” I said.

“Are you sad?” Emma asked.

“Not really, I mean I was, but then this incredible thing happened.”

“Really what was it?” she asked, sounding intrigued.

I looked at her, “I met you.” I said.

She blushed and smiled.

I know that what I am about to do is really ballsy but whatever. I leaned in towards her and was shocked when she didn't slap me, but instead leaned in too. Our foreheads pressed together and I was about to close in when my cell phone went off.

“Damn it.” I said which caused Emma to giggle.

“What the fuck do you want?” I asked

”Hello, to you too, son”

“Oh, hi dad.” I said, which caused Emma to giggle once again, I loved her laugh.

“Why did you leave school?” he asked.

“I got bored.”

“Well, where are you?”

“The park”

“With who?”

“Emma, the guys were here but they left.”

“Yes, I know they left, I caught them trying to buy you guys alcohol.”

“Fuck.” I was busted.

“Yeah Fuck, wait who is Emma.”

“I tell you about it later.”

“Okay, well I need you to come home so I can be a father to all of you boys.”

“Are the guys there?”


“I'll be home soon, I am going to make sure Emma gets home safe.”

“Good boy, but hurry.”

I heard Jimmy yell no speeding before he hung up, I laughed at Jimmy.

“Whelp, we got busted.” I looked over at Emma and was surprised when she kissed me.

She kissed me!

She giggled as a sat there flabbergasted at what just happened.

“Lets go.” she said in between laughs.

“Okay.” I manged to get out.

As we walked to the car I realized that I knew her favorite song, color, band, food, drink, alcoholic beverage, all the trivial things but I didn't know her.

When we got to my car I was flabbergasted yet again to see Zacky leaning against it.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay people, what the hell is going on
i have lost two subscribers
i have only a few people that comment me

maybe i should just stop writing all together.

Thanks To:
Star Angel