Status: Complete

What Doesn't Die

“What do you want Allison?”

“Dad! Mom!” Emma yelled as we walked into her house, which is absolutely beautiful, “Just make yourself at home, I'll go get Abby.” she said before walking up the stairs and out of sight.

I walked over and sat on the large black-leather couch. I may look calm, cool and collected but that is only on the outside, inside I am scared to fucking death. What if Abigail doesn't like me, and as a result I lose Emma. Oh god, what if I drop her.

Emma interrupted my thoughts when she came into view with a sleepy looking little girl in her arms. They walked over and sat beside me.

“Who are you?” she asked looking right at me, I have never seen a little girl look at someone she has never seen or met before and ask them a question with out any fear in her voice.

It took me a moment to find my voice, this was a lot to take in. “My name is Brian.” I said.

“And your my mommy's friend?” Abigail asked.

“Well, yeah.” I said, I was hoping Emma would have said I was more than just her friend, but I guess that I need to put my big boy pants on and ask her to be my girlfriend.

Abigail looked at me for a minute, like she was trying to judge rather or not I intended to hurt her and then she looked at Emma.


“What sweetie?”

“Is he mean, like the other man?” Abigail asked, this made my heart sink, I don't think I got the whole story, but the thought of someone hurting Emma or Abigail even made me want to Hulk out.

“No, sweetie.” Emma said.

“EMMA!” I heard someone yell.

“Living room!” Emma yelled.

I saw a woman that had to be Emma's mother, for they look just alike.

“Well, who is this strapping young man?” Emma stood up picking Abby up with her.

“That is Brian, the boy I was telling you about.”

“Well, you were right he sure is a cutie.” Emma blushed and I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

“Abby, sweetie say good night to Brian.”

“Why, Mommy?” Abby asked while rubbing your eyes.

“Cause it's past your bedtime.” she said.

“Let me down.”

Emma didn't protest she sat the blonde haired little girl down. I bent down and opened my arms when Abby got close to me, I was shocked when Abby ran the rest of the way to me. She wrapped her little arms around my big ones. She looked at me and for the first time I noticed that she had Emma's eyes.

“Night Night, Brian.” she said before kissing me cheek and running to her grandma.

I stood up and walked over to Emma.

“Well, I think she likes you.” Emma said.

“She is beautiful, but I expected that.”

“And why is that, Haner?” she asked.

“Well, cause her mother is this amazing, beautiful girl as well.” I said as I wrapped her in my arms.

“Is that so.”

“Yeah, Emma, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” I blurted out.

“Are you kidding, after what I just told you and how you reacted, in sane person would have been pissed but not you. So yes, Mr. Haner I will be your girlfriend.”


I walked into my house and saw that mom and dad were on the couch watching the 11 o'clock news.

“Hey, how did your date go?” My dad asked, I stood there debating weather or not I should tell them about Abigail.

I walked over and sat on the chair next to the couch, after deciding that I could tell them.

“Well, I have a girlfriend now.” I said.

“That's great sweetie, I like Emma. She is sweet.” Suzy said.

“Well, I'm glad you think so, keep that in mind when I tell you what I am about to.”

“BRIAN ELWIN HANER! Did you get that poor girl pregnant!" Papa yelled jumping up.

“WHOA, calm down there killer, that's not what I was going to say!” I defended.

“Oh, well, what is it then?” Papa asked, after calming down a little.

“She has a daughter, her name is Abigail.” I said.

Suzy was the first to speak.

“She keeps a secret.” She guessed.


“You didn't freak out did you?”

“No. I just asked her to explain the situation, she did. Then I asked to meet her, that went really good actually.” I told my mother.

They sat there for a few moments, then the house phone rang. I got up and answered it.

“Hello?” I said into the phone.

”Brian, you are the hardest person to reach.”

“What do you want Allison?”

”Well, you actually.”

“Whelp, you can't have me.” I stated.

”And why not, baby?”

ugh, gage me with a spoon, “Cause I don't want or need you.”

”Is this cause of that Emma bitch?”

“Okay first of all, Emma isn't a bitch you are and second don't talk about my girlfriend like that”

Allie was silent for a moment, so I took that as a sign that she had no more to say, so I hung up.
♠ ♠ ♠
let me know what you think.

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foREVer A Dream