Status: Complete

What Doesn't Die

Into The Nothing

Emma's P.O.V

I opened my car door after calling Jimmy to come over to Brian's and dropping Abby off to my mother. I knew something bad was going to happen and I wanted her as far away from it as possible. I know that Brian has a bit of a temper but Kyle has problems. He is bipolar and schizophrenic. He told me about it when we were dating, and as if that wasn't bad enough he goes off his medicine from time to time believing that he is better. And when he does go off his medications, he comes after around me and Abby.

“Emma! What's going on?” I heard Matt ask as he came up behind me, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I only wanna say this once.” I replied to Matt, He nodded and led the way into Brian's house.

“Emma!” Suzy yelled, I could tell she was worried.

“What's going on?” Brian Sr. asked.

“I think Brian is in trouble.” I stated.

“I knew it, it's drugs right!? Wait- Is he pregnant?” Jimmy yelled.

“No, Jimbo.” I said, stifling a giggle.

“oh, well then what is it?” Jimmy asked.


“Well, we all know that Gates can kick that dicks ass!” Matt replied, with a laugh.

“Yea when he is on his medication.” I stated.

“What?” Suzy asked.

“Kyle is both Bi-Polar and Schizophrenic, he goes off his medication because he feels that he is better, but he isn't.”

“Is that when he would-” Jimmy started to ask but I cut him off with a warning glare that said, 'finish that question and I’ll rip your balls off!'

“Where is he?” Brian Sr. asked.

“McDonald’s is where he made me and Abigail leave.” I told him.

All the guys jumped up and walked out to the car, Brian Sr. stopped and turned to me before he spoke, “Does Brian have his gun?” he asked, the worry evident in his voice.

“I think so, why does he always pack that thing?” I asked.

“Cause he's paranoid.” he said before kissing Suzy and leaving.

Brian's P.O.V

I'm not sure how I ended up like this, I remember fighting with Kyle in the parking lot of McDonald's and then I heard two loud pops and he was gone. The pain is unbelievable. Did he shot me? Am I going to die? I heard someone yelling my name, I tried to respond but I can't. I feel like there is a really fat man sitting on me, I am being crushed and the darkness is unbearable. I opened my eyes and saw Zacky and Allison, both wearing worried expressions. The darkness took me under again, the last thing I heard was the sirens and screams before I fell into the nothing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh No!

What was Jimmy going to ask?
Will Brian survive?
What will Zacky and Allison do?
What Emma do?

let me know what you think!

thanks to my lovely commentors:
Star Angel