Status: Incomplete. Sorry.

The Seven Sins

The Morning

The sun hung in the sky as if signaling the start of the fight. Splitting the sky in half. One half owned by the Savior and the other by the ruler of the underworld. The same was applied to the forces that waited under the sun. They stared each other down. One side was made of flesh and human emotion while the other had no emotion and killer instinct in their eyes. Hideously deformed and rigged with bunching muscles. They reeked of death and despair and wielded swords and axes. Every inch of their being was itching to tear into human flesh. The humans were fearful of these creatures, but had grown used to it. They too wielded weapons made of steel, but unlike the creatures, they were hesitant to use them. A young soldier in the middle of the human force shifted uncomfortably under the weight of his makeshift equipment. His helmet fell over his eyes and his sword was too big for his small hand to hold. Sweat ran into his eye and as he reached up to wipe it away, his sword fell from his grasp and hit the rough ground with a clang. As if it was the signal to start the two forces ran at each other, yelling and cursing. The poor boy was hit from behind and sent to the ground. The people behind him did not stop to help him, instead choosing to trample on him, forcing him to curl up into a protective ball.
The boy coughed up blood as the last person stomped across him. The boy slowly rolled over, his breathing coming in short, painful bursts. He watched as the two forces met in a clash of steel and screams. Almost immediately the boy saw that the humans were at a disadvantage. They simply did not have the killer instinct of the beasts. He watched one human meet his end when a beast bit into his throat and ripped a portion of it out. Blood shot into the air and the man sagged and hit the ground. To the right another human was mowed down by at least three blades that passed through his midsection. The top halve fell away from the bottom, revealing the man’s entrails. Another man was being clubbed to death a few feet away from where the boy lay. The boy broke out in a cold sweat. He knew that it was only a matter of time before they made their way over to where he lay. He knew that when they did, he was done for. As if on cue, one of the beasts looked towards him and smiled a cruel, unfeeling smile, revealing sharp, bloody canines. It walked towards him while it’s companions continued to cut down the humans around it. It stopped in front of the boy and reached to grab him.
The boy squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the inevitable. All of a sudden, a mechanical buzzing filled his ears, followed by a short grunt. The boy opened his eyes and saw the beast’s head slide from it’s shoulders. The headless carcass fell backwards, spraying the ground with it’s stagnant blood. The boy looked to his side and saw someone approaching him. It was a boy that appeared to be around his age. The boy went to him and helped him to his feet. He walked him to the closest house and set him down inside of it, armed with a small blade. The boy looked at him for a second, turned, and walked from the house. Towards the chaos outside. The boy would never forget what he had just seen. The boy who had just saved him had the most demonic looking eye that he had ever seen in his life. The boy shuddered and gripped his sword tighter, expecting a beast to come barging into the house at any second.
The boy walked up to a man that stood, armed with an axe, at the front of the gate leading into their homes. The man regarded him with obvious distaste as he walked up to him. The boy stopped in front of the man and watched him impassively. “Have you seen enough of you own slaughtered yet?” the boy asked. The man glared at him. “I still think you’re the reason for all of this.” The boy shook his head. “Don’t be stupid,” he said. “I’m offering to kill them. If I’d have started this, I’d be helping them kill you.” The man looked down. “It’s a little hard to trust a brat like you when your eye is so evil,” he said. The boy shrugged. “That is of no importance. Do you want my help of not?” The man kicked moodily at the ground before answering. “Yes,” he said gruffly. “Although,” the boy said, reaching into his pockets. “If you’d let me help you in the beginning, this wouldn’t have come so far.” With that, the boy was off and running into the fight.
He stopped a ways from the fight and looked around. His motorcycle lay near an abandoned car. He ran over to it and picked it up. He checked it to make sure that it would serve the purpose that he wanted it to and then mounted it. He turned it on and faced the beasts. Everyman that had went out to fight were now lying on the ground slaughtered. The blood soaked the ground like a downpour of rain. Most of the beasts were huddled together. “That’s good,” the boy thought. “This makes my job a lot easier.” He rode towards the horde of demonic beasts and about twenty yards before he reached them, he jumped from his bike and landed on his feet. He watched his bike break into the enemy ranks. “Perfect,” the boy thought, pulling out a detonator. He pressed the blinking red button and the small explosion placed on the gas tank exploded. The resulting explosion consumed most of the enemy and left the rest of them running about, screaming in pain and agony as they blazed. “Time to cleanup,” the boy said to himself and pulled out a small metallic ball. He pressed the side of it and it grew to about the size of his head. “What is desired of me?” the ball asked in it’s robotic female voice. “I want you to finish off the rest of the beasts,” the boy said. “Understood,” the ball said and flew off. As it went, blades emerged from the center of the ball and spun with deadly speed, making a very dangerous saw.
A couple minutes found the boy wiping the blood from his metal ball as he walked up to the man from earlier. Like before, the man eyed him with distaste. “What exactly do you want for this?” he asked the boy. The boy pocketed his ball and looked at the man. “The only thing I need is a map.” The man looked dumbfounded. “Why would you need that? Everything’s changed since the last one was made.” The boy held up a hand for silence. “It’s not a map that you’d know about,” he said patiently. The man looked skeptical and the boy continued. “Besides, I heard that this town has a mine in it and I sort of need to build a new motorcycle.” The man appeared to consider his proposal. “How long will all of this take?” The boy shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I won’t be spending much time in the actual town. Most of the time will be spent in the mine.” The man looked up suddenly. “You said you were going to build a bike?” The boy nodded. “But you’re barely a boy,” he said. The boy glared at him. “This boy is seventeen and fully capable of building a bike, but anyway, what about my reward? Yes or no?” The man turned and began walking into town. He looked over his shoulder and gestured for the boy to follow him.
As the boy followed the man into town, he was instantly aware of people staring at him. He glanced up and saw a blond headed girl retreat back behind the curtain that she had been staring out of. The man seemed to sense the boy’s discomfort and began to make conversation. “You’ll have to forgive them. They’re not used to seeing outsiders with red eyes.” “Only one of them is red,” the boy said. “What color is the other one?” the man asked. The boy was silent and the man continued. “Do you have a name?” The boy was silent and the man was about to give up on conversation when the boy answered. “My name is Tazz.” The man nodded. “Hey, are there any broken down cars around here?” Tazz asked. The man nodded. “Well there’s one around the mine. Why?” “I’m going to need some parts from it to build a new bike.” The man glanced back at him for a second. “How long do you think it’s going to take you to build the bike?” Tazz thought about it for a second and then shrugged. “I’m guessing about half a day with the right tools and parts.” “Here we are,” the man said. Tazz looked up and saw the entrance to the mine and the broken down car next to it. “This is perfect,” he said to the man. “Thanks for you help.”
The man watched as Tazz set up shop. Tazz set up a tent and then took off his cloak. The man whistled when he saw what was inside. Tools of every kind were in pockets inside of the cloak. Tazz set the cloak down in front of the tent and stepped back to admire his work. The man looked at Tazz’s outfit with distaste. His shirt was ripped to pieces and his pants looked more like shorts
than pants. “Just a little warning, but if you’re planning on going into the mine, be aware that late at night there’s been something growling in there and it sounded pretty big.” Tazz looked up at the man. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he said smiling.
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