Status: Incomplete. Sorry.

The Seven Sins

The First Demon?

Tazz got up and looked around, surprised. It was supposed to be perfectly dark, but he could still see although it wasn’t too clearly. However, he could see what he was about to fight perfectly. It resembled a dog, but this one looked like it was beefed up on steroids and had five tails. These tails were unbelievably long. They each curled up on themselves. It’s teeth reminded Tazz of knives sharpened to their extremes. It’s eyes glowed blood red and it’s body was red as well. “So tool, what do you think of me?” Tazz scratched his head. “Honestly, it looks like somebody needs a leash.” “You’re funny tool, but lets see how funny you are with your intestines hanging out of your body.” One of the tails rose up and shot at him. It’s speed completely took him by surprise and hit him in the arm. Tazz yelled and stepped back. He couldn’t see his arm, but he knew that it was bleeding. “I don’t think the tool has ever wondered why his blood isn’t red.” “Shut up!” Tazz yelled, jumping at the dog. One of the dog’s tails sped forward and knocked Tazz against the wall. “You won’t win that way tool.” Tazz stumbled to his feet. “Dammit!” he thought to himself. Then he remembered his inventions in his pocket.
He pulled out one of them, a really small blue one. “What’s that, tool?” Instead of responding, Tazz threw it as hard as he could towards the ceiling. The ball exploded and Tazz threw himself to the side and out of harms way while the dog was showered in acid. It roared in pain and outrage as the acid ate away at it. Before it could completely recover, Tazz got up ran behind the dog. He pulled out a bigger green ball and threw it into the base of the dog’s tails. It exploded and the dog roared again. “Stupid tool!” the dog roared. A tail rose up out of the smoke and slammed into the side of Tazz’s head. Somehow managing not to pass out, Tazz stayed on his feet and dug around in his pockets. He pulled out another ball. This one was metal and grey. He pressed the top of the ball and it grew until he could barely hold it in his hands. Tazz turned it until it was facing the dog demon and then pressed the sides of it. It beeped and shot out a sharpened piece of metal. “What!?” the dog yelled. It’s remaining three tails came up to defend it, but the metal tore through it’s tails and ripped through it’s throat. Black blood shot onto the ground and began to seep in.
Tazz walked up to the dog warily. “While you are right that I’m not much in close combat, you forgot to take in my skills at inventing. That cost you in the end. Now it’s time to hold up your end of the bargain.” The dog laughed. “That I did hybrid,” it said. The only way to free the girl is to either get the angel who owns her to relinquish his ownership on her, which I doubt you could do or beat the angel in a fight, which I doubt you can do.” As Tazz processed this, the dog began to sink into the ground. “I underestimated you hybrid,” it said. “But mark my words. The next time we meet you will die.” With that, what remained of the dog sunk into the ground. Just then, Seighty ran in illuminating the mine with light. “What happened Tazz?” she asked, worry written on her face. “ I heard the fighting and I thought that the worst had happened.” Tazz held up a hand. “Well I’m fine, the demon is subdued, and you got the map.” Seighty didn’t look convinced. “You’re awfully pale to be fine, like you’ve lost a lot of bl-” She spotted Tazz’s hurt arm. She gently picked it up and examined it. “I knew it,” she said, almost to herself. “You’ve lost a lot of blood.” Tazz shook his head and took his arm back. “It’s nothing, just a scratch. Now let’s get out of here.”
They walked in silence until they reached the entrance. “Hey, are you sure you’re ok?” Seighty asked for the tenth time. Tazz nodded. “Hey Seighty, could you turn back into a ball? I don’t want to arouse any unwanted questions.” Seighty nodded and glowed harshly. Once again, Tazz had to close his eyes and when he opened them, Seighty had turned back into a ball. “De-activate,” Tazz said. The ball hummed softly as it turned itself off and fell. Tazz caught the ball and stuffed it in his pocket. As soon as he did, he fell to his knees. His arm was burning with fierce pain, but he had endured while Seighty had been with him, but know it was unbearable. He yelled as the burning intensified, blurring his vision until finally, he passed out in the dirt.
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