I Didn't Know How To Tell You

Where Do We Stand?

"Vic, I was pregnant, and I left you, because I couldn't bring myself to tell you, because I knew a baby would ruin your life. You're in a band, constantly on tour, or busy recording. I hid the pregnancy from you because I didn't want to take your dream away from you." I told him, feeling extremely guilty. Tears spilled out of his eyes, and I asked him why he was crying. "You hid my baby from me?" he said through the tears. "Vic, you don't get it. I did it because I was scared you'd leave, because a baby would only add more stress to your life. But, then I ended up leaving." I spoke. He stared blankly at me "You thought I would leave you? Never. I wouldn't leave even if you told me to. When you left, I was shattered. We could've patched it up, I could've waited until you were ready to marry me." he said. "Vic, I was ready, I was way more than ready. I would've married you that exact minute, but I just thought you would hate me for getting pregnant, and ruining your life." I told him, feeling extremely guilty. "A baby wouldn't have ruined my life, Tess. We would've had a family, it would've been perfect." he said. "Vic, I'm --" "Tess, did you get rid of it?" he asked, nervously. "NO!" I said surprised that he would even ask me the question. "Well then where is it?" he asked. "You mean, where is he?" I corrected. A smile immediately spread across his face "I have a son?" he questioned. "Yea Vic, you have a son." I told him. "I can't believe it, what's his name?" he asked, his eyes all glassy from tears. "Vance Vincent." I answered. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me. I wasn't expecting this at all. "Umm Vic, where do we stand?" I asked when he stopped kissing me. "We stand the same place we stood 7 months ago before you left, Will you marry me?" he asked, "YES!" I screamed and jumped into his arms kissing him. I pulled away from him lips, and asked "are you sure, do you still love me?" "I never stopped, and I more than love you Tess, I'm in love with you." he told me. "I'm in love with you too, Victor Vincent Fuentes." I said before closing the distance between our lips again. I pulled away, and looked at my phone and said "hold on, my mom texted me." I lied. I went into my photos and secretly sent him a picture of Vance. I heard his phone beep, and I looked at him, and saw him smile so big. "He's perfect" he told me. "Yeah, because he looks just like his daddy." I said. He smiled before saying "oh I almost forgot" and ran to his bunk and pulled out a black velvet box. "You brought it with you?" I asked whilst choking back the tears. "Yeah, so I always had something to remind me of you, since you took all the pictures and everything from the apartment." he laughed. "Are you 100% positive you want to marry me?" he asked. "Nope" I smiled, "I'm 1000% positive." He grabbed me close to him and kissed me. "Can I meet him soon?" he asked once we were done kissing. "Depends, can I move back to SD? back into our apartment?" I said. "Did you even have to ask?" he joked. "Exactly, did you even have to ask? when do you leave for the next destination." "I'm pretty sure we're going to a hotel tonight, so probably late tomorrow?" "Well if you care to ditch the boys, you could come over and meet him now?" He jumped at the opportunity and said "Let's go!" and grabbed my hands and dragged me out of the bus. "Wait, before we leave shouldn't we go tell the guys you're leaving?" I said. "Oh yeah, that would probably be a good idea." he laughed. We ran into the venue, and met up with Jaime, Tony, and Mike. I ran into Mike giving him the biggest hug, because I missed him so much. "MIKE!" I screamed "I missed you, and I'm sorry for being a bitch that day at the apartment." "It's okay Tess, I missed you too." I I then hugged Jaime "I missed you so much, too." he laughed "I missed you too, Tess." Then I hugged Tony, even though I already hugged Tony, and whispered in his ear "thank you." Tony just nodded his head, and I went back to Vic. I held Vic's hand and they the three boys gawked at us "does this mean you're back together?" they asked in unison. "Ye--" I started before Vic said "No, it means we're getting married." I smiled at him, and he kissed my forehead. "Umm, hey guys I have something to tell you." I said. "What?" "Umm, you guys are uncles." I told them. Their eyes practically bulged out of their heads as they stared at me. "No way, that's so exciting" said Mike. He was crazy excited. I think Mike would be a great uncle. "Yeah, his name is Vance." Vic piped up "I'm going to meet him now." "So, that's why you left?" Mike said, and I just nodded. I felt bad, but it's true, that's why I left. "You guys want to meet him tomorrow, before you leave?" I asked. "YEA!" they all screamed. I just laughed and said "ha, excited are we?" and hugged them all "I got to go, someone is a little anxious." I said letting out a laugh. Vic and I ran to the car, and I drove him back to my parents house. I shh'd him as we walked into the house. I led him into Vance's room, and he nervously peeked over the side of the crib. I heard him catch his breath, as he scooped down to pick up Vance and cradle him into his arms. Vance didn't wake up when Vic picked him up, but he smiled in his sleep. I leaned over to kiss Vic's damp cheek, and said "you're going to be a great dad."
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Okay, so for all those who read this, this is the end!
Well I don't know if this is the end, so I want your input.
Do you think the story should end here, or should I continue on?

Also, leave me feedback of all sorts about what you liked, what I should work on in future stories, suggestions for future stories. ANYTHING.