Blow A Kiss at the Methane Skies.

We're All In Love Tonight

Frankie was in love. That was the easiest way to put it. Not with a girl, or his music, (he played guitar) or his band (his band was called Poison Party), but with his best friend, and singer in the band, Gerard Way. Gerard didn't know, hell no, if he found out, he'd be creeped out. Well, Frank assumed. Gerard was always getting all the pretty girls. Besides, Gerard always told those girls he liked them, but didn't feel like he was old enough to be IN LOVE with them. If Franky told Gerard he was in love with him, he'd say "You're 16, you're not in love!"

The truth is, though, Frankie had loved him since he was 13. That's when they started their band, and it just happened. Frankie loved the way Gerard's black hair fell perfectly around his face, and his smile, and his singing, and his everything. When Gerard's brother, Mikey, joined the band, Frankie was excited. He assumed since they were brothers, Mikey would tell him if Gerard secretly liked him too. But that never happened. There was one day, though, that Frankie felt a connection, and it all just built up from there.

"Franky, Mikey, guess what?!" Gerard had a huge smile on his face, in result, making Frankie smile. "We got accepted into the Battle of The Bands!!"

"No way!" Mikey beamed. Gerard jumped up and down, and then stopped to hug Frankie. "Frankie, can you believe it?!" he said in the middle of a hug.

"No, not at all!" Frankie smiled, hugging back.

"I invited some girls over, we can go out to dinner and celebrate!" Frankie looked at Gerard with confusion. Why did he have to make it so hard?

The girl's names were Jamia, Lyn-Z, and Alicia. They were pretty, and if Frankie were straight, he could see himself sticking with Jamia for a while. They all went to dinner at Olive Garden. Being a small band, they weren't exactly rich, but they did have money. They sat in a circle table that fit the 6 of them perfectly.

"So, girls, are you excited for the Battle Of the Bands? Will you be our cheerleaders?" Gerard asked, flirt in his voice.

Frankie felt a hand on his leg and he jumped, hitting his knee on the table. Jamia looked at him, confused, and he then realized the hand had came from the left, where Gerard was sitting, and not the right where Jamia was sitting.

"Frankie seems like he would like that," Alicia said, laughing.

"Like what?" Frankie said, caught off gaurd, thinking they meant what had just happened under the table.

"Us being cheerleaders for you guys."

Frankie paused. "Yes, yeah of course that would be...that would be great."