Give Me a Shot To Remember/

Truth or Dare

We were sitting on the floor of me and Mikey's living room. My parents had decided to go out so the five of us could hang out without their interuptions. Frank was lyring, spread out across the floor while playing with his hair between his fingers. He started telling us a story about what happened in school earlier that day with a substitute English teacher and how she was flirting with the students. Thank God I'm not in high school anymore. Afterwards we just became extremely bored.

Mikey looked miserable. It was his 16th birthday and nothing interesting happened. Him and Frank are the youngest of us all. Frank just turned 16 also, Bob and Ray are 19, and I'm 20-officially an adult, although I may still act like I'm Mikey and Frank's age. Technically if I were to go out with Frank, he would be underage and illegal. But that doesn't stop me from wanting him, bad. I've always had a crush on Frank. Him and Mikey were friends since they were 14 and I was 18.

Ray kept glancing back and forth from me to Frank with a slight smirk on his face. "Lets play truth or dare." He said, suddenly. We all agreed. We were back in a circle on the floor. Mikey got to ask first since it was his birthday.

"Ray, truth or dare?" He just grumbled and muttered truth, obviously unhappy he was picked first. "When was the last time you got laid?" Everyone laughed.

Ray flushed probably 3 different shades of red. Wow.
"Two years ago...."

That made everyone crack up.

"Two...Two years...hahaha! Your older than me and I've still gotten more than you!" Mikey said through giggles. Bob just glared at him, while he contained himself."You're turn" Ray said to Bob. "Truth or dare?" he asked

"Dare" he said bravely. Ray wouldn't spare him. "Go stand outside for 10 minutes in nothing but your boxers and socks. We'll keep time." We all started laughing uncontrollably at the thought of Bob in his underwear on the front lawn. He shrugged and stripped down to his boxers and socks, then proudly walked out the door into the cold. 20 seconds later, an old lady driving a little yellow car rolled down her window and wolf-whistled at him. He lost it. People were literally falling down laughing.

"Okay...okay, while he's outside...Gerard, truth or dare." Ray asked again.

I didn't feel like being put on the spot but I also didn't want to end up in a situation similar to Bob's. So I picked truth.

"Tell the truth. If you could fuck anyone of us here, who would it be?"

I looked at him wide eyed. He's got to be kidding me! "Um...none?" I answered, trying to sound convincing. Frank was looking down playing with his fingers. "Gerard. If you absolutely had to pick..." He was still looking from me to Frank. OH my GOD. He definitely knows. I don't know how but he knows. And he...he wants me to tell him?!

"Ray...if you know something..." I whispered. I was practically begging him with my eyes. Mikey's mouth dropped open. "Holy shit, Gerard. You like someone here?" He shouted.

They all know i'm gay. Now they know a little more. I stared down Ray. I knew I had to say it. You can't lie on truth or dare. I just hope he doesn't hate me.

"Tell us Gerard. Who do you want to fuck?"
I took a deep breath. "Frank" I said quitely. Frank looked up at me in shock. His mouth dropped open and his eyes looked like they were going to buldge so far out of his head that's they'd drop down and roll on the floor. "Frank, I'm so sorry you had to hear this. I didn't want anyone to know, it's just that you can't really help who you fall for. Oh, shit, I didn't mean to say that. Please don't hate--"

He kissed me. He quickly pushed his lips onto mine with force, massaging them. I masaged back. I wrapped my arm around his neck. His tongue gently licked my lower lip, begging for entrance. I immediately granted it to him. Even with my eyes closed, I could tell that everyone was staring and probably with their mouths hanging so far down from shock, but I didn't care.

The door opened. Bob walked in.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed. Frank and I broke free from our kiss.

"What's going on? What the fuck just happened? Was that a dare?! What kind of sick fucks are you to dare them to do that?! Oh my god..."

"It wasn't a dare." I spoke up. "Ray made me admit I wanted to have sex with Frank and he kissed me." Everyone was still in shock, especially Bob for having to walk in on that, I suppose.

Mikey cleared his throat. We all looked at him. "Well thank you for that, Gerard, Frank, but from now on can you please not make out right in front of me...on my birthday?"

Frank looked at me. And that was when I picked him up and carried him to my bedroom.