From a Distance


I walk into the familiar room. You're the main person who catches my eye.

That smile with a hidden smirk is directed at the entire room, you looking at nobody specific. I sneak a glance at you but turn away in a heartbeat.

Us two barely spoken a muttering of a word to each other. We're so far away from each other. Yet I can't help but stare at you from a distance, think about you randomly from time to time. I look at you and you look back. I bite my lip and stare at the ceiling.

What is it about you that I find so interesting? Is it infamous smile, the one I'd see every time I saw you or that unforgotten voice, that was quite low and defined? Is it your sandy brown hair, your side fringe slightly covering your eyebrows? Maybe it's the clothes you wear or your laugh? I have no idea.

It could those big eyes or just anything at all?

All I know is that I look at you from a far.
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Yes random and kind of stupid. Comment anyway though. :)