For the Kill

They were in

Another day in the life of Gerard Arthur Way; he was just another student in this not-so-usual school he attended, learning everything he could to become the next… well, the next important man in this ‘business’. He was taught the way he should think, dress, talk, listen, everything. He was taught which stuff he should like, which stuff he shouldn’t.

He had learnt everything pretty well, and accepted everything that he was intently brain-washed with, so far; although, there was one little thing he was learning he couldn’t accept. It was stupid, and he was pretty sure that the reason behind all of this lifestyle of his existing wouldn’t approve what he was learning, right now; he’d want them all to be equal, right? That’s what he’d learned so far.

But, now, he couldn’t deal with what they were trying to impose in his mind and heart. He couldn’t understand why they were trying to teach him such horrible things, now; they had always been so accepting of difference! Why were they being so… hateful towards not-so-different people?

There was one question that bothered him more, though; why did he felt so hurt when they started teaching him those things? When they told him he shouldn’t be acceptable, that he should hate them, that he should be disgusted? Why did he felt like he wanted to hit them, to tell them wrong, to yell at them for saying those things? He had always been pretty peaceful, since he got to this school, he couldn’t just be having these feelings out of nowhere… Maybe it affected him so hard because he could be one of them… But he never had the chance to figure that out, before; he was kinda kept away from the humanity, since he got to this school; he didn’t care much, though. The only people he cared about were his little brother and his parents, and they were allowed to see him, so, he was perfectly fine with it.


He was now resting on his room, reading the only book they were allowed to read; he had been here for three years, only one missing ‘til he graduated, and still he hadn’t finished it yet. It was really big, and kind of tiring, but he always made the effort to read it; he was forced to. He couldn’t care less; books never really mattered to him, so he was fine with only reading this one. It was easy.

The headmaster of their school called everyone into the canteen, although it wasn’t lunch time, yet; Gerard was a bit suspicious at what he wanted, ‘cause this had never happened before.

When he arrived, everyone was there already, except for the headmaster; he went to his seat, standing upright behind his chair, waiting for him to arrive. When he finally did, Gerard couldn’t be more surprised, though; one beautiful short guy was with him, looking really angry that he was there. Gerard took in the boy’s features, not letting it appear on his face that he was observing the boy; he had a fringe covering half of his face, tattoos very noticeable through his white tee-shirt, hazel eyes eyeing everything around him in a hateful glare, hands turned into fists, biting his lower lip.

“Everyone, this is Frank Anthony Thomas Iero; he’s new, here, because he’s been impure, and he wants to get pure as our Lord” the priest said, and Gerard saw Frank roll his eyes and whisper something, earning a squeeze on the arm from the priest.

“I never asked for this motherfucking nothing” was what Frank had said.

Yes, if you’re wondering, Gerard, and now Frank, attended a Catholic School. Gerard was on his tough way to become a priest; not his childhood dream, but it wasn’t that bad. He had never been attracted to girls, so he thought celibacy wouldn’t be such a problem, and, well, he was willing to give up on whether he had to give up on, ‘cause he didn’t have nothing more than his family.

Frank, on the other hand, hated being there; he never had been that much of a catholic, and now he was stuck in there. He didn’t really thought his mother would do that, putting him there, when he told her about it. He thought she would piss a bit, but never thought she would be so extreme! It wasn’t as if he was a freak of the nature, or anything.

“Gerard will be your guide, here” the priest continued, leading both of the boys to gasp at the same time; that never happened before, and Gerard knew it, although Frank didn’t. Frank was just mad that he needed a guide, or something like that. “Gerard, you’ll teach him everything you learned so far, especially the last thing you learned”.

“What? Why?” Gerard questioned, instantly getting two angry looks; one from the priest, who was obviously pissed at him for questioning his demanding in front of everyone, and one from Frank, who thought Gerard was already disgusted by him.

“Because that’s what you’re studying for; becoming a priest and spreading the word” the priest replied, although he was still pissed at him; he let go of Frank and pointed at Gerard. “Get him on your office, Gerard, and give him everything he needs to start here.”

Gerard sighed heavily one last time, and then headed towards the door, feeling bad for Frank to even coming here; lately, he had been feeling like all of this was a total mistake. He had come here on his own will after having problems with alcohol; his family tried to talk him out of it, but he insisted. Lately, he had started regretting it.

When he reached his office, he waited for Frank to get in, and then locked the door. He decided he wouldn’t lie to Frank about his honest believes, since they would probably be spending most of their time here together.

“Frank, I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t like it here, lately, and I’m pretty sorry you got stuck inside of this crap” Gerard started, not even moving from his spot in front of the door; he turned to Frank, who was sitting on his desk, looking at him surprised, and then he leant on the door with his back, crossing his arms over his chest at the same time. “They keep trying to feed me all of this bullshit, and I’m not going to do it to you; it’s not that I want you to go on wrong ways in your life, simply I’m not going to tell you homosexual people are fucking weirdo’s or anything, ‘cause, honestly, I don’t really think that way. I don’t even know if I’m gay myself, for God’s sake!” Gerard said, only too late realizing he had said a bit too much; he hadn’t intended to tell him about his doubtful sexual orientation.

“Really?” Frank asked, a smirk crossing his face; maybe things on Catholic School wouldn’t be so boring and hateful.
“What?” Gerard asked, sighing and moving to sit at his recliner fluffy chair, that was set up behind his chair; he picked up the bible he had there, and literally bit it.
“Hum, you don’t think homosexuality is completely bullshit?” Frank asked; then, he realized what he said looked a little homophobic, but he didn’t care; he wanted an answer.

“No, I don’t think. Homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality” Gerard replied, nonchalant; Frank seemed like an homophobe, and Gerard wouldn’t deal with it. After replying, he bit the bible again, ‘cause it felt really good to release his anger on it.

“Great then; I was forced into this hell hole because I told my mother I was gay” Frank replied, rolling his eyes, despite Gerard couldn’t see, since he was still behind him, sitting on his chair.

When Gerard heard that answer, he stopped what he was doing, looking at Frank’s back; Frank turned around on the desk, some of its stuff falling to the ground, but Gerard couldn’t care less.

“So, you’re gay?” Gerard asked, stupidly; if he was there because of it, it was obvious he was gay.

“Yeah, well, duh!” Frank replied, a sweet giggle escaping his lips; Gerard looked at his lips, and felt something heat up and melt inside his body, and he couldn’t control it.

Frank wasn’t expecting Gerard’s next movement; still, he didn’t complain. Gerard threw the bible away, got up and kissed Frank passionately. Their obvious lust could almost be seen between their open-mouthed kisses, their hands roaming through each other’s bodies, feeling every inch of skin they could reach. Gerard didn’t have any idea on what to do, so, he let Frank take the lead.

Smiling into yet another sloppy kiss, Frank slipped his tongue roughly inside Gerard’s mouth, who accepted it and, after a while, started fighting it, wanting dominance; they kept fighting until Gerard finally won, grinning onto Frank’s lips as he checked every part of Frank’s mouth, tasting everything in him. He tasted fucking good, was all that Gerard could think about; Frank was thinking the same about Gerard too, although they never said it aloud.

Soon enough, shirts were flying threw the tiny office, Frank opening his legs and pulling Gerard closer to him, straddling him with his legs around his waist, after that; they both felt the other one’s member hard, making them moan into each other’s mouth. Frank fought with Gerard’s pant’s zip, being able, after a while, to undo it without separating his lips from the hot sweet lips of Gerard; Gerard did the same to Frank’s ripped jeans, but he did something more: he took his boxers down right away, too. Frank let go of Gerard’s lips to smirk at him, then taking his boxers off as well.

“Do you have any DST?” The older one, Gerard, asked, looking deep at Frank’s eyes.

“Nope; you?” Frank replied, and, receiving a shook of head as a reply, smiled. “Give or take?”

“What do you prefer?” Gerard replied, not really knowing what he would do, but okay.

“Take; don’t be afraid to hurt me, just fucking do it, okay?” Frank requested, kissing Gerard again so he wouldn’t do any shitty talk; Gerard responded to the kiss, picking Frank from the table and bringing him closer to his body.

When he felt Frank was close enough, he thrust into him, hearing him gasp, both in pain and pleasure; Gerard kept doing it, not caring if Frank was hurting anymore, since Frank was whispering soft moans, as well as Gerard’s name, and words as “faster, harder, stronger” while Gerard was in and out of his body; they didn’t even care if anyone could hear them, they were way too lost in their pleasurable lust to even think of anything else. They kept lost in their lust, screaming and moaning, and, when they reached their orgasm, they yelled each other’s name, not able to control themselves; after that, Frank collapsed onto Gerard’s body, breathing hardly.

Gerard picked Frank up, sat down on his chair and sat Frankie on his lap, not caring if they were still naked; soon, they were both asleep.


Five years later, they were still together; now, they weren’t at that hateful catholic school. They had their own home, they were accepted by their families, they had adopted a little baby; Gerard was a remarkable artist, and Frank was the owner of a music store. They weren’t afraid of anyone or anything, ‘cause, since that day, they learned they didn’t have to be afraid of the world; the world should be afraid of them.

They were in for the kill.
♠ ♠ ♠
this one is a one-shot for my dear loved Jayde because she fucking deserves it and I fucking love her for fucking life!
hope you liked it, my sweet cupcake :3
and I hope that you there, reading this right now, liked it too (:
comment, please? *---*

this is Ephedrine Ruby, signing off.