The Peace Keeper

The Peace Keeper (Twilight) 11

"That's a joke, right?" Bella asked with a bit of challenging sarcasm. I smiled coyly in return, not giving any direct answer to her question.

"Ten wolves." I said aloud. "Ten werewolves and seven vampires. That's seventeen things I have to keep track of."

"Keep track of?" Sam inquired. He seemed to be representing everyone's mind, voicing their questions.

"Yep," I answered back shortly (not in disrespect, of course, but laziness instead).

"I think we're doing a fine job," He retorted coolly in a manner that let me know he wasn't questioning me, but rather stating his opinion.

Looking into his brown eyes, I replied, "I'm sure you are. I just have to document it."

"How are you going to do that?"

I stopped. How was I going to do that? Just follow everyone around secretly, like some creepy stalker? Or could I find a more professional method....?

Eh, stalking takes less work.

"I'll just watch you guys. Take some notes, record whatever I find." I answered after a minute of thinking.

"Why do you need to record our behavior? Who's going to look at it?" Leah quizzed.

I shrugged, "The Peacekeeper authority figures... It would also prove quite useful if anyone needed to research how werewolves and vampires interact. This is a rare occurrence, after all."

Sam took a step closer. "How long will you be?"

"No more than a two or three weeks, I'm sure."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw Jacob stiffen.


A few more irrelevant questions came from the werewolves. I answered them all as vaguely as possible. I wanted to make sure they weren't paranoid or acting falsely while I was watching.

Of course, I wouldn't be the one watching. I'll just send some tree spirits or call up a favor from a few friends. Being the well-trained minions they are, they'll be my eyes on every supernatural, and report back to me if anything weird or dangerous happens.

One by one, the wolves dispersed themselves. Sam dismissed a few to do rounds on the barrier, and the others just went about their business. The last one to leave was Sam, and Jacob had stayed behind.

Bella and Billy were causally conversing while Jacob stood near his father. Again, he stared at me. His eyes filled with admiration more intense than any I have ever seen before. A part of me wished to return his gaze, while another shouted to keep my guard up.

"Bella," Billy's voice cut through the previously quiet air. "Charlie wanted to borrow some of my old fishing equipment," For a second, Billy glanced pointedly at Jacob. "Would you mind coming into the house and getting them for me?"

Bella smiled and politely agreed. The pair disappeared behind the front door a second later.

An awkward atmosphere clouded the air. Jake stood in the same spot, shifted uncomfortably, and finally walked over to where I was leaning against my car.

"So..." He began nervously. "A 599 GTB? Nice ride. Must have been expensive."

I nodded in agreement. In most scenarios, I would've actually replied with words, but my throat had closed up the moment Jake had looked at me.

Jacob drew in a deep breath, "I know this might sound weird, but--"

Before he could finish his statement, the Black's front door burst open and Bella came stumbling out with an arm full of fishing rods and tackle boxes. Jake gave me an apologetic look and rushed over to help her. Swiftly, he was able to pick up the entire bundle in his arms.

A wave of jealously crashed over me, taking me by surprise.

Jacob carried the fishing supplies over to the car, and I provided assistance by opening the trunk. While placing the equipment in, Jake's hand lightly brushed over the one I had resting on the trunk's hood. The contact itself was only for a fraction of a second, but it sent heavy (but pleasurable) chills down my spin, and shocks to run through my wrist.

Oh, my god. Please don't tell me I just had a cheesy romantic moment with someone I've known for less than an hour.

After seeing that all the equipment was in the trunk, Bella informed me that she had to get home soon, and slid into the Ferrari.

"Like I was saying earlier," Jake started again before I could join Bella in the car. "Would you like to meet up again soon? Like, hang out or something?"

My eyebrows rose with shock and excitement. "I'd love to," Was my immediate reply.

Jacob smiled in relief, "Great. Is tomorrow any good?" I nodded, "How 'bout you drop by for lunch? Or if you want to get something to eat in town--"

I cut him off with a small laugh, "Tomorrow is fine. I'll stop by around noon, and we can decided what to do from there. Kay?"

Jacob nodded, a large grin still donning his face.
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I'm in school right now...and just felt like updating...

I know this chapter is boring...but this romance will be slow-moving....Really, this one is just to move the plot along.