The Peace Keeper

The Peace Keeper (Twilight) 17

"You two are such idiots." I whispered. I believe it was their shouting that woke me up.

"Emma!" Victor was the first to rush over, but Jake was right behind him. They both took their places hovering above me.

"You shouldn't be talking..." Jake murmured.

I nodded, my throat did hurt, like somebody had sandpapered it while I was out. "I promise not to talk much..."

"Or at all." Victor stated in a strict tone.

"Oh, hush..." I whispered weakly back.

"How are you feeling?" It was easy to tell that Jake was concerned, "Do you need me to call a nurse or anything?"

I shook my head in response.

"You can just let ME know if you need anything, kay Em?" Victor smiled, whilst glowering at Jacob.

I nodded.

Jake ignored Victor's look, and took my hand. It was wonderful to feel his warm touch. He held a loving gaze with me as he lifted my hand (gently, as not to disturb the IV drip) and kissed my knuckles lightly. I gave him my best smile back.

Then I noticed my fingers were bonier than usual... I had fairly slim fingers, but not boney... But you can now see the bulbous joints quite clearly...My gaze wandered up my arm, and it was the same. I had loss the lean muscular look of them, to an anorexic-skeletal look... "I've lost a lot of weight..."

Victor scuffed sarcastically. "Well, you've been fed mush through a tube for nearly a month. I doubt it contains many calories."

I smiled at my brother's obscure way of telling a joke. "Wait... A month...?"

Victor's eyes widened. She wasn't supposed to really know any information like that until she was healthy enough to handle it.

"Vic... What happened to me?" My voice cracked, I wouldn't be able to talk much longer.

My twin sighed, staring at his feet, "I'm only telling you because I know you're strong..."

"Dude, don't." Jacob commanded. "She JUST woke up, she might not be able to handle it."

"Shut up, dog," Victor snarled, "You don't even know her!"

"The doctor said--!"

"You just don't want her to know that you were the one who---!"

"Guys!" My feeble voice managed to stop their bickering. "Both of you... Just... Tell me... Please...?"

Both boys sighed. Jacob decided on compromise, "Give her a watered down version. She doesn't need details." I mouthed a thank you to him.

Victor frowned, but nodded nonetheless.

"Em?" I turned to look at my brother. "You remember going to the beach, right? The werewolves' beach?"

I thought back, and nodded, turning to Jake and smiling, which he returned tenfold. I remembered what he told me... And what I told him... Though I'm not quite living up to my words now, I feel that I should be able to show some affection back so long as I'm in the hospital... As terrible as that sounds.

"There was an..." Victor seemed to force out the word, "Accident."

I gave Vic a questioning look. "As is were," He continued, "Someone was being careless, and knocked you off balance. You fell off of a nearby cliff..."

I closed my eyes, wracking my brain... Attempting to remember that day.

Jake told me about imprinting... I told him I couldn't.

Then... Quil? Yeah, Quil came by. Jake had to leave for a minute, but he promised he be back soon... He asked me to wait for him.

Then the rushed blur... It confused me greatly, I still don't know what it is...

Then another blur...

The memories came flooding back, my breathing became labored. It was exhausting. I lost conscience quickly.


Emma's heart rate sped up to a rapid pace. Her breathing was heavy and uneven. "Emma?" Jake called to her, frightened, "Emma-Kate?"

Victor quickly hit the call button for the nurses. Within seconds, two nurses and a doctor came rushing through the door, calling for a crash gaurd.

"I'm sorry sirs, but you have to get out of here," A nurse said, pushing Victor and Jake out of Emma's room. They stood a bit off in the hallway as more nurses rushed in. Every time the door to room 302 opened, they would hear the deafening sound of the beeps and chirps and screeches of the machines Emma was hooked up to.

Enraged, Jake grabbed the collar of Victor's coat, lifting him several inches off the ground, up against a wall. "Look what you did!!" He shouted.

"What I did?!" Victor shouted back, unfazed by Jacob's physical aggression. "She wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for YOU!!"

Before anymore harsh words could be said (or screamed), the two were ripped apart. One one wall, Edward and Carlisle stood in front of Victor, keeping him from charging at Jacob.

Jacob himself was restrained by Quil and Embry. Sam also appeared, standing between the two opposing forces. "What's going on here?" He asked calmly.

"HE made my sister crash!!" Victor accused.

"ME?!" Jake roared back, "YOU were the one who told her she fell off a cliff!!"

"Enough!" Sam scolded. "Both of you are acting like children. What you should really be concerned about is Emma-Kate."

Both of the boys immediately calmed. They cast their eyes downward, shamefully.

"Oh, Dr. Cullen! I'm so glad you're here..." The doctor who had been attending to Emma stepped out.

"Is she alright, Dr. Ross?" Carlisle asked calmly.

"For now yes. But she gave us quite a scare!" He chuckled. "She was just over stressed and her body was too weak to handle it..."

"I see," Carlisle nodded. "Well, thank you for covering. I think I'll take over once again." Dr. Ross nodded, and headed off in the opposite direction.

The vampire turned, gazing into Victor's eyes, then Jacob's. "What happened today was very serious. Emma-Kate woke up just a few hours ago, and she's already regressing." With a somber voice, he said, "I'm going to take away visiting rights. For both of you." The boys attempted to protest, but Carlisle's stare kept them from speaking. "When either of you want to see her, it can only be during normal visiting hours, and supervised by either me or Sam." Sam nodded in agreement.

With that said, Carlisle dismissed himself to Emma's room, as to monitor her health once again.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Jake questioned Sam, Quil, and Embry.

"Dr. Leech called your dad, actually," Embry told him. "He said Emma was waking up, and that you would probably be home late. When we came to get you for night patrol, Billy told us you were here."

Quil nodded, "We wanted to see Emma too, so Sam drove us up."

"I see..." Jacob nodded.

"What about you?" Victor asked Edward. Though the two weren't close at all, Victor had become most familiar with Edward, as they conversed the most during the vampire visits.

Edward answered, "The minute Carlisle was in the door, Alice dragged him, me and Bella right back out. She wanted to see how Emma was doing. We arrived the same time they did," He gestured to the three werewolves, "Then we heard you two shouting..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, this one was mostly just to show how alike Jacob and Victor are... Especially when it comes to Emma. heehee.
But yeah, three down! Seven to go >:3 my goal is to be at chapter 24 by Monday!! I'm doing pretty good so far!!
