The Peace Keeper

The Peace Keeper (Twilight) 2

The plane landed some hours later. Turning off my MP3 player (which, by now, was almost out of batteries) and grabbed my carry-on. Quickly, I scurried out of the airport.

I hailed a taxi, giving the driver my new (temporary) address. Victor had made some living arrangements while I was on the plane. He enrolled me in the local high school as a senior transfer. Evidentially, I had moved here with my parents for my "father’s" job reassignment. My brother had also rented out an apartment for me, which would bring less attention than if I was staying in a hotel.

Also, during the plane ride, I had planned out my schedule for my investigation. Wow, I haven’t been this organized since the time a reaper demon made be sort out damned souls from the blessed.

Day one: Move in and adjust.

Day two: Go to school, bring Philly to Forks.

Day three: Find vampires, investigate.

Day four: Find werewolves, investigate.

Day five: Termination (if needed).

Day six: Get the hell out of there.

Good plan, I know.

The cab arrived at a small apartment complex. I paid the driver and made my way to my new lodgings.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Alice Cullen was hardly ever troubled or upset.

Especially when whatever was troubling her didn’t evolve her best human friend, Isabella Swan. Her vampiric brother, Edward, had noticed her frustration while "accidentally" slipping into her mind (via telepathy) during lunch period. Subtly he questioned what was wrong, by slowly moving his eyes from one side of the lunch room, to the ceiling, then to the opposite wall.

Alice sighed, deciding to speak allowed so Bella, who was sitting next to Edward, could know also. "We’re getting a new student tomorrow."

The two gave her identical quizzical looks.

"But, I can’t ‘see’ much about them." Another angry sigh. "I try to see who they are or what they’re like…but I can’t."

Edward frowned his perfect face. "You don’t think that they could be a werewolf, do you?" It was known by now that Alice could not ‘see’ into a werewolf’s future.

But the pixie-like girl shook her head. "That’s what I originally thought. The only problem is, I’m not drawing a complete blank. I’m ‘seeing’ them is little blurred flashes that come randomly. Rather annoying, actually."

Well, that was obvious.

Bella became a bit befuddled herself. It was well within her nature to take other’s problems upon herself. Edward often became very concerned of this unhealthy habit. Just something else to keep her up at night.

Edward did a quick mind-scan of a few teachers and the principle.

"Emma-Kate Dawson. A senior, transferring from Philadelphia." Edward sighed, now. He then forced the inner voices of his peers into the back of his head. "That’s all they know."

Alice nodded, attempting to use the new found information to help her discover more about this "Emma-Kate".

But to no success.

Edward, who had tuned into Alice’s thoughts while she ‘saw’, spoke up. "We’ll just have to wait until tomorrow."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was currently shaking my ass to Seether’s new song, "Fake It", and boy, I was glad I was in the privacy of my own pad.

While I danced, I unpacked my bags…not that there was much to unpack. It just gave me something to do. I wanted to go around town, get to know the layout, right? But, unfortunately, my Ferrari wasn’t due to arrive (special thanks to FedEx) pending tomorrow.

I love my car. We’ll I have another one, but I don’t quite favor it as much as I do my Ferrari. It was sleek, black with white racing stripes. Turbo engine, four wheel drive, and leather interior. Bitch.

I hate walking. Using my feet too much was such a hassle. Especially in this town. Did you know it constantly [unceasingly, continuously, incessantly, endlessly, you get the picture?] rains in Forks? Quite depressing, really. Walking around in the rain to get a glimpse of this hick town? I don’t think so. A map will be sufficient for now, thank you very much.

The high school was only a half mile down the road and a left turn, thankfully. If I did have to walk, it wouldn’t be as irritating as it could be. Forks was mostly surrounded by forested areas to the north. I guess that would be where I would find my vampires. Towards the west was a small Native American reservation. That would be the best place to look for the wolves. They tended to stick to their birth place and ancestry.

I noted the time, eleven o’ clock at night. Smirking all the way, I got ready for bed. Slipping under my comforter, I fit together what I’ve gathered from the town already and composed a plan on where to find my supernaturals.

Tomorrow, the games begin.
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A little bit of the Cullens...I'll try and get the next chapter soon...
